{3} Comfortably Numb

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Hope you like *insert love and smiles here*

opps heres a hug too ----> *insert hug here for all my wonderful readers, please and thank you*




My body felt comfortably numb, someone better call Pink Floyd. I was in a bliss, in peace. I never felt this peaceful and carefree, not even when I'd get drunk, or even high, at parties. It all felt like a dream, really. I mean, how long will it all last, before I have to face reality? Or death, who knows? Am I dead?

I envisioned myself, with all my brothers and my parents, happily laughing while in the living room watching some funny comedy. We were all laughing, we were all happy. I looked over at my mom, she was smiling and laughing at something my little brother Ethan had said. Greg was wrestling on the couch with Alex over a comment he had said. My dad was cuddled up with my mom, both wearing smiles.

The sound of weeping entered my ears. Wha-? No, this was a happy dream. My body suddenly started to burn and my head was on fire. I groaned in agony, the happy dream slowly fading. No, I tried to fight it. One more minute, just one more. I needed to feel happy, to have peace.

"I raised the levels up a few cc's, I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm not a human doctor, I've never seen this before. Her body is refusing everything," a male voice muttered. I couldn't open my eyes so I just listened.

"What? I understand that she was bit, but she should of been healed by now. I informed the Alpha about this, and he's on his way back home now. He might know something or what to do with her." Daniel's voice. It's him, he's here.

"I don't understand. I've done everything to keep the bite's infection from spreading, but it's not leaving her system. Not to mention the blood loss. Sure a bite is deadly, but the bite barely hit any arteries and Daniel got her here in time for the antidote. With the amount of blood lost, it's as if her blood isn't clotting. Something's not right." This must be the doctor.

"Please, just fix her." The person wept. I think I've had a heart attack. I could hear the beeping noise increase when my mom said that. Maybe I did just have a heart attack.

"Ellie? Honey can you hear me? Wake up, baby. You need to wake up. I'm so sorry for what I said, this is all my fault." More sobs. No! I have to wake up, she can't possibly think this was her fault. It was mine, I wasn't paying attention to the road.

"Lily, a rouge did this. This isn't your fault in the slightest," Daniel said. A rogue? As in wolves that are alone and like, independent? I've read a wolf book before in like 8th grade.

"But what I said to her, it was so mean and I didn't really mean it. Oh God, what if she doesn't make it and thinks I hate her?" More weeping. Mom, stop crying I'm fine. I need to wake up. She can't be thinking those things.

"Mom, she's not gonna die. You know she's a little warrior. If she dies I'll fucking ouija her ass," Greg joked, and I heard a little laugh from her.

    I could feel her hand holding mine, her tears falling on my right arm. It felt soothing, her thumb rubbing circles on mine. I tried moving my fingers to hold her hand too, but it was too hard. My shoulder hurt too bad to move any muscle in my right arm.

    "Ellie, I'm right here sweetie," my mom whispered. "Open your eyes, come on."

    I couldn't. Everything hurt and no matter how hard I'd try, it would use too much energy.

    "It seems as though the fever is going down, even if it's only by two degrees. Her heart rate is abnormally low, and her pulse is very weak. Now, there's no doubt she's alive, but barely. I don't want to run any lab tests, since she needs all the blood she can get. Her body isn't accepting anything," the doctor explained.

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