{2} In Times of Dying

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{Song for the chapter (that seriously relates so well that it scares me) above! You should play it along with the chapter, it really makes it all that more emotional.

Song: "Angel By The Wings" by Sia

Hope you like *insert smile here*. If so, a vote would make me very happy, or even a comment. I'd love to hear from you guys. - aries}



A horrible sensation of pain came over me, as my conscious faded in and out. I could feel myself being carried, my body bouncing with each step. Everything hurt terribly, and I internally cursed at myself for being so stupid.

If only I had payed more attention. My head felt like it was on fire and I just wanted to keep my eyes closed for good. The person carrying me was talking, I could feel the rumble in his chest every time he did.

    "I want to know how they got so close to the borders! Attacking innocent humans are not acceptable." The man rumbled out.

    Another voice spoke out. "Yes, Beta. The trackers are trying to track down the one's that got away. We have more guards doing rounds."

    What in the world are they talking about? I wish they'd just be quiet with the killer headache I was experiencing.

    "I notified the Alpha, and since he's away on business he gave me permission to properly question and execute, if needed. They've gone too far with attacking and bringing humans into this." Woah woah woah, execute? Who the hell are these people? Sensing a little fear, I try to open my eyes and get away. However, I could only open one eye and make a fetal attempt of a scream.

    "Ssh, it's okay. We are taking you to the doctor, it's alright." The man carrying me cooed, very manly. My shoulder hurt like hell, too, and it was burning badly. I tried to lift my left hand so I could hold my right shoulder, but it hurt too much and I cried out.

    "It hurts," I whimpered. The pain was almost unbearable, and it was getting harder to stay conscious.

    "I know, you're going to be alright, we're almost there. Can you tell me your name?" He asked, no doubt trying to get me to stay awake; I could feel his worry, and I knew I was most likely going to die from blood loss. I could tell from his voice. I didn't want to die, not now. I still needed to make amends with my mom. I can't die.

"E-Ellie," I choked out, tears falling from my face.

"That's a nice name Ellie, mine is Daniel," He responded, and I felt him start running, almost urgently. It made my shoulder hurt even more. "Shit, do you think you could someone to notify the pack and fill them in? I can sense the worry and confusion in the mind link."

"Yes, Beta. On it right now."

"I'm dying," I whisper out, my eyes fluttering closed then open again when he gives me a shake.

A pause. "No, you're not. You're going to be okay."

"I have to tell them. They need to know I'm sorry." I cry; I've felt so alone for such a long time, I need them here. I can't die with them not knowing that I'm so sorry for everything I've done to the family.

"Who?" He asks. "Ron, can you please tell my sister that I'm busy right now."

"Sure, which one?"

"Sarah, she keeps trying to mind link me but I'm busy right now."

"Yes, Beta. On it."

I look up at him, and he glances down at me. "I k-know her. She's my brother's girlfriend. I met her t-today."

His eye's widened. "You're an Adams? Oh, fuck." He took off even faster. "Ron, Sarah's trying to break through the barrier I put up, please tell her to stop."

"Yes, Beta. I will."

"Shit, Ron, she broke through and I can tell she's going nuts and is telling Alex. They're on their way."

"They need to know..." I cry out again. "Please, I can't die!"

"Ellie, you'll be fine, you will. You're not going to die. I won't let it happen."

"Please, tell them I'm sorry." I whispered, wanting to close my eyes and just rest. I felt so tired. Maybe, just maybe this was all just a nightmare to get me in check. Or maybe, this was God's way of telling me that I'm a fuck up and that it's my time to stop causing people hurt. Or maybe this is just an exaggeration. Maybe I'm not even dying. Maybe.

"What? No, Ellie, don't close your eyes. Ellie! I will not let you die, do you hear me? I'm not going to let you." He growled out.  There was no use, so much blood was coming out, and he was covered in my blood.  I was going to die anyway, but at least I'm being taken faster and don't have to suffer for as long. It was easier this way. I just wish I didn't have to die today, out of all days for this to happen.

It felt like it was taking forever to get to the doctors, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold on. Trying to look at my shoulder through blurry eyes, I could see teeth marks and a lot of blood coming out. Oh God, was I going to get rabies from that thing? Pus was coming out, and I could see dirt in the wound. It was an ugly sight. My body was burning terribly, and I felt like my muscles were on fire. I cried out again, wanting the pain to just stop.

"I know, Ellie. We're only 2 minutes away. Just hold on." I looked at him, blonde hair and green eyes. He was so nice. "You're taking this so much better than the normal person. You're strong, you really are. Especially for holding out for this long, so don't stop now, okay?"

I smiled at him and through the pain, I spoke out. "Daniel, tell my family that I'm sorry. Tell them-,"

"No! Ellie don't do that! We're here."

"Tell them that I'm sorry." And with that, my eyes fluttered closed, my body becoming numb, becoming relaxed. Through the haze I could hear his muffled voice among others, and bright light. I was going to die anyways, that's why I came back.

My last thought was that I deserved this.

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