Then a boy with messy and green eyes came in

"Hogwarts dear? Got the lot here another young man being fitted up just now, in fact." Madam Malkin told him.

Malkin stood the boy on a stool next to Draco, slipped a long robe over his head, and began to pin it to the right length.

Lyra studied the boy for a moment and thought that she could finally make a true friend. And this time she won't make the mistake of letting him find out what she is.

She walked up to the boy.

"Hello, Hogwarts, too?" Lyra asked.

"Yes." The boy replied.

"Our parents next door buying our books." Draco rudely interrupted in a bored, drawling voice.

"You two are siblings?" The boy asked them.

"Sadly," Lyra muttered, luckily Draco didn't hear and nodded. She didn't hate her brother, no, she just hated his personality sometimes.

"You know what after all of this I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don't see why first years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow." Draco smirked.

"That won't please him," Lyra smirked and Draco glared at her.

Lyra knew that Draco was acting like he had a lot of control over their father just to impress the boy.

"Have you got your own broom?" Draco went on ignoring Lyra.


"Play Quidditch at all?"Draco asked.


"I do, Father says it's a crime if I'm not picked to play for my House, and I must say, I agree. Know what House you'll be in yet?" Draco asked.


Lyra sighed she knew by the boy's tone that he was feeling out of place. She had gone through that feeling a number of times and never wanted anyone to experience.

"Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they." Lyra tried to make the boy comfortable.

"But I know I'll be in Slytherin, all our family have been imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" Draco continued to question.

"Mmm," The boy nodded.

Lyra rolled her eyes and began to look around due to boredom. She suddenly spotted a giant outside holding two ice cream cones.
"Look at that man!" Lyra pointed to him in shock.

Both Draco and the boy looked where Lyra was pointing.

"That's Hagrid. He works at Hogwarts." The boy was probably pleased that he at least knew something.

"He looks like a giant teddy bear." Lyra laughed.

The boy laughed with her.

"I've heard of him. He's a sort of servant, isn't he?" Draco asked with attitude.

"He's the gatekeeper." The boy corrected.

"Yes, exactly. I heard he's a sort of savage lives in a hut on the school grounds and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic, and ends up setting fire to his bed." Draco to act funny too but nobody laughed at his rudeness.

"I think he's brilliant."The boy said coldly.

"Do you?"Draco sneered.

"Why is he with you? Where are your parents?"Draco suddenly asked.

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