Chapter one

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Chapter one

This story is dedicated to one of the biggest wrestling fantics I ever know. My boyfriend, I love you honey. I would like to note this is strictly fan fiction, nothing in this story is real, it almost seems so though lol. Enjoy reading and thank you for all the support. 

                It all began by Jason winning a ticket backstage during training hours. Jason, Leo, and I have been to the stadium a thousand times before for different events, so I have no idea why the boys are gawking at the ceiling and walls of the arena like it was made of gold. It was the beginning of the summer, my skin was getting adjusted to the suns strong rays. I had to admit too, seeing the wrestling ring up close and actually bouncing off the rope was kind of fun. My brothers although were having too much fun on them, to the point where they did not see me wonder off.

                My brothers who are older than me, loved the WWE. They worshiped it. Every Monday and Friday nights I have to sit through the countless hours of the yelling and screaming of both the wrestlers and my brothers. I would pay no attention to either, and often walked away from it and into my room. When Jason won the ticket to an all week excess pass to the WWE, it was their greatest moment and my worst nightmare. We lived near the coast line in Atlantic City, driving here was nothing.

                “Wow, looking at this…” Leo would cry, seeing the wrestling belts all lined up. The boys touched the large belts, idolizing them each and every one, guessing who belongs to whom. The only wrestlers I know are the Divas and even then I don’t bother to care. I had to act like I cared for Jason sake he wanted these tickets more than anything and work hard to win them.

                I wonder into the back where all the wrestlers make their entrance. My head was constantly turning and spinning looking at all the equipment that they use. I tried to lift one of the barbells, which had to be more than a thousand pounds; like an idiot. There were enough water bottles to stretch around the world twice. I suddenly heard loud noises coming from down the hall. It sounded like someone fighting. Then there was a loud banging…

                Normally I would walk the other way, but something drew me to these strange noises. The closer I got the louder the loud bang vibrated me more. I was in a trance, yet making sure my flip flops don’t make a sound as they slap against my heel. I tip toed closer, then saw a person being thrown across the room. It made me take a step back, yet I wanted to go forward. His chest was budging, sweaty, and fit. His hair was shaved; his veins were popping from every end of his body. He grinned his teeth, he gave a hard expression; he was extremely angry.

                I backed away knocking into something, which caused the beast to direct his glare at me. He got up, supporting his body on his knuckles and knee caps. He growled slightly, grinning his teeth; ready to pounce on me.

“Randy…” a voice called. I was too afraid to even breathe; he might notice I’m alive. I still kept backing away; he got up and started to chase after me. I didn’t scream as I ran away, only to make sure I do not trip on my flip flops.

                He was fast; too fast he almost caught me until I climb up a latter of a black RV. He glared up at me; I let out a little whimper, not loud enough for Jason or Leo to hear. He started to climb the latter, I thought this was it. Good bye life, good bye mom, good bye sun. He stood up; hovering over me. Giving me the most evil look I can dream of. He got on top of me, crawling like an animal. My nose started to twitch, my eyes dead set into his and I suddenly felt my arms reach up and suddenly he was on his back. I was too scared to be surprised.

                “Emily…” Jason cried, the big bang must’ve startled him into realizing I was missing. The monster groaned in pain, his voice deep and gruff. I crawled under him and suddenly saw my brothers standing at the bottom.

Randy Orton: UnconditionallyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant