After Math

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Ever since what almost happened in Kenya's bedroom she's been avoiding me for weeks now . I haven't tried to press the issue and ask her what's the matter because I think I already know . Kenya can never like me . I sighed as I closed my locker as the last bell of the day rang , the hallways was suddenly filled with teens rushing to leave . I leaned by my locker trying to avoid getting bumped into and trying to see if I could spot Kenya in the crowd . I finally spotted her , her natural hair in a big pineapple and a white sweater that made her skin stand out . I wanted to give her a kiss and tell her to talk to me but I avoided eye contact when she noticed me . I was hoping she would stop and say something to me but she kept walking .

I left the school and saw Kenya and hakim talking on the front steps , she looked at me and I looked at her but kept walking . She looked almost sad that I wasn't bothered , i picked up my pace when I heard hakim ask Kenya if she wanted to come over . When I got home nobody was home as usual , I went upstairs to my room and locked the door just in case she decided to come home , I don't have time for her bullshit today . I was about to start on my homework when my phone started ringing . It was Kayla , I haven't thought about her in a minute all I have on my mind is Kenya I picked up the phone knowing exactly what she would want . Attention .

"Hey Jaronnn " I could hear her smiling through the phone . "Yea what's up Kayla ?".
" I just wanted to talk to you , you know . It's like we don't even talk no more ". We never did
"Yea" I said dryly .
She was quiet for a minute . "I was actually calling to see if you wanted to come over ...I want to see you " she said quietly . If I go over to Kayla's I know exactly what's going to happen . "Yea , I'll come over , I'm on my way "

I grabbed a condom out my sock drawer and headed to her place . I just wanna feel good and forgot about Kenya for now .


Omya was on my bed shocked with all the information I just gave her . " girl you're telling me that you and JARON almost had sex and y'all went on a cheap date but act like y'all hate each other at school ?!? Bitch what about hakim ?? ".

I looked at my best friend feeling confused too.
"Hakim is hakim , I like him but the same time I don't . I don't know I think when me and Jaron almost you know what and the date it kinda confused me " . I said biting my lip .
She rolled her eyes at me . "Confused my ass Kenya , let me ask you something . When Jaron kissed you did you feel like your heart was about to like shit explode and did your body get this tingly feeling like something extraterrestrial touched you ? Cause when me and my baby had our first kiss that's how I felt and I knew that I liked him and only him . She said seriously

" Girl I don't know , I felt that way but he's the first boy I've ever been with , I mean he did tell me how much he liked me but he could have only being trying to have sex with me and I was so close of letting him " I said looking at my bed which we were sitting on .

"Trust me Kenya , Jaron likes you , he got issues but he likes you , Jaron is too fine to be lying about his feelings to females if he wants some pussy they literally throw it at him like Kayla's stank ass ".

I sighed knowing she was right but my mind still couldn't believe that Jaron and I could ever be a thing .

"So should I break things off with hakim ? ".
" I say yea because , it never really started and to be honest Kenya I just think he's trying to fuck a black girl before he graduates " she said while texting her boyfriend back .


I decided that I was going to break the nonexistent relationship with hakim and tell Jaron I was willing to admit to some of the mutual feelings he shared when I spotted Kayla snuggled real close to him in the cafeteria . She was sitting next to him and his friends basically sucking his ear off . I was about to turn around when he spotted me staring . I sighed . I might as well tell him to talk to me later . I walked up to his table and everybody was surprised but Kayla who had a look of disgust on her face . I could feel my stomach doing jumping jacks as I remembered his lips and eyes on my body .

"Hey , Jaron I was wondering if we could talk later ...." I looked at him scared I couldn't read the emotion on his face . Maybe he's back to his old self . "Sure " , I was about to walk away when Kayla opened her mouth .

"What y'all need to talk for ? , maybe y'all can talk about how my pussy taste " she said smiling . "What " I looked at her confused and back to Jaron who suddenly had a look of guilt on his face . " bitch you know exactly what I mean" she said grinning at me . I realized what she was talking about and felt immediately stupid . I turned to walk away as I heard Jaron yell for me to stop causing all eyes in the cafeteria to turn on me .

I walked out the cafeteria as quickly as I could but Jaron reached up to me and grabbed me by my wrist . " wait Kenya I can explain " he said breathlessly . I yanked my arm away from him .
" You don't have to explain anything to me Jaron , you don't owe me anything ".

He looked at me upset and sad at the same time . " Kenya , it didn't mean anything . What I told you 2 weeks ago hasn't changed " .

I couldn't help but laugh . " you almost ticked me " i said shaking my head .

"Tricked you , the fuck you talking about Kenya , you know how I feel and if you think I'm going to be chasing you and keep telling you how I feel while hakim feels you up everyday after school you must be fucking stupid " he shouted at me . " I fucking like you but I won't keep chasing you if you don't want to talk to me , what happened last night with Kayla I wanted it to be you. "

I was taken back .

Jaron wai- I said trying to get closer to him

"Nah leave me the fuck alone Kenya " he said pushing me off him . He looked at at me with no emotion in his face and walked back into the cafeteria .

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