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I'm too damn nice . Jaron just conceived me Into trying to be " friends " like please , I'm here feeling like a fool and probably looking like a fool as I walked away from Jaron .

Why is Jaron acting like we in Romeo and Juliet instead of hakim ??

I heard footsteps approaching me , I turned around to see Jaron coming for me again .

I thought we was done talking , what he want now ?

"I forgot to tell you something " he said

"What you forgot to say " I asked with attitude.

"You wanted to know if this was just some undercover friendship so to prove it to you lets hang later today , I know a place where I can take you .

I felt my stomach twist in dread , he really doing the most . I don't wanna hang out, I thought this lets be friends mess would start next week or a month from now .

"Hang out ? and do what " I asked suspiciously .

"It will be a surprise, but it'll really show you who i am" he said smiling

"How we gonna hang out when , I don't know where you live and you don't know where I live " I asked raising my eyebrows

"You right about that , give me your phone number and I'll call you " he said smiling.

I rolled my eyes , I did set up myself up for that . Why did I even mention how we was gonna keep in touch ?!?!

We exchanged numbers , I'm really dumb .I looked at Jaron as he put my number in he's 2003 looking flip phone . Why does he have such an old phone ?

I know Jaron is mixed , he's older brothers went to our school when we were sophomores . They were white ,Jaron had a different last name from them and everything , they don't even look alike but they never looked like they was struggling financially, they had good cars for teenagers and here Jaron is with no car and an outdated phone .

Jaron finally looked up from he's phone , he closed it and smiled . "So I'll come get you around like 8:30 ". I frowned at the time we was supposed to hang out , " whys it gotta be 8:30 that's kinda late , I'm gonna have to ask my mom".

He smirked at me . "You do that , if you can't hangout , we'll just chill at your place ".

Hell no . I gave him a fake smile , " that's not gonna happen, just call me and I'll tell you want my parents say " .

I looked past jarons face and saw that the sky was an orangey pink . "I gotta go before my parents start blowing up my phone " I said searching jarons face . He looked sad that this mess was over .

"Yea I gotta go too but can I get a hug ? " Jaron asked stretching he's muscular arms waiting for my embrace . I stepped forward to give him a hug but my body heisted, I felt awkward and weird just knowing I was willing going to touch him. Jaron looked like he wanted to pull me in , but he waited as I slowly inched closer to he's body .

He's large chest pressed into mine as he's long arms wrapped around my torso , he's body heat swallowed me as I breathed in smelling a scent of old spice and a hint of sweat in he's shirt.


I slowly released my arms from Kenya's small firm body , she looked confused and uncomfortable making me smile . We said our good byes and I slowly watched her walk away , when she was out of eyes reach I slowly stated walking home .

Today is turning to be a good ass day all I gotta do is found out how I'm gonna leave the house without being seen and get back in .

I'm the only one who doesn't got keys to my house , I've seat for hours waiting for one of my brothers to swing through after I've come home from school . My mom either out drinking with some random man or to fucking lazy to open the damn door . I felt dread as I saw the outline of my house in the distance , my mother doesn't work she's even lucky to have this house, after both of my grandparents died they left the house in her name . My brothers support my mother and try help me if they can cause they know she don't care .

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