
876 56 3

~Kenya ~

Omya came running up to me laughing hard as hell , she grabbed on to my shoulder as she caught her breath while trying to stop laughing .

"Girrrrrrrrrrrrrl OMG , Kayla broke the fuck down screaming fucccck youu at Jaron , slapping the negro too ! . Girl I can't , you should have seen the hoe ".

She clapped her hands together laughing . " Bitch finally got her feelings hurt from her lord and savior , Damn I should have fucking record that shit ".

I looked at her puzzled, but a smile crept on my lips , can't lie feels good to know that Jaron finally done something to her too .

"Do you know what they was even arguing about to start all that ?" I asked her as we walked down the hallway .
She suddenly grabbed me by both of my shoulders mischief twinkling in her eyes .

She bit down on her lips smiling .

"This is why this shit is too funny girl, they was fighting over YOU !!!".
She started jumping up and down .

"I told you bitch I told you !!! , didn't I tell you ?? ... YUUUUP , I TOLD YOU JARON LOVED YOUR ASSS " she yelled the last part causing a few people to look our way .

I looked at her crazy . "Girl shut up damn " I couldn't help but start laughing about how crazy this hoe was acting . "Who even told you this ??, like please over me ??".

She pressed her lips together and gave me the bitch please look . " I found out cause you know I speak to Marcus and that nigga had a front row seat and he saw and heard everything and he peeped and told me hakim your man wants to get with you but Jaron was acting funny about it and I guess miss whore whore caught it and turned up knowing that Jaron was openly telling her ass he don't WANT HER , it got heated and he called her want she is a whore and bitch gave him a weak as slap cause we know bitch can't hit for shit and ran to the bathroom like she was in a scene of those tacky high school dramas" she rolled her eyes at the last part with disgust .

I felt my heart beat stop .

OMG hakim wants to get with me !!?!!?

I hugged omya suddenly jumping up and down . "Girrrrrrrlll Omg Hakim like me ughuguhg " . We started laughing as she hugged me back

I released her feeling happy as fuck .

"Bitch this is a dream " I said softly .

"God is good hoe " I said laughing .

"I'm happy for you girl , you need to hook up with him and get yours , BUT what you gonna do about this little situation ? " Omya said flipping her hair behind her shoulder .

I looked at her confused .

"Um nothing , that's not my business I just need to snatch Hakim".

"Bitch Nooo , it is your business girl they have your name in your mouth , you can't just let this opportunity like this go girl like shit we , I mean you can fuck with kayla's dumb ass and maybe find a way to fuck with Jaron too . Omg maybe you can try to seduce the nigga and tr---

"Girl hell no , I would never to that shit with Jaron and why waste my time with Kayla ?? I'm a bigger person then them ". I said scrunching my eyebrows .

Omya stomped her feet . "Bitch fuck the bigger person shit , we out here for some fucking revenge hoe like come on they treat you like shit and they need to get there's , I'm just saying like think about it cause I got some ideas " she said laughing .

I looked at her . " Girl i don't know we could start like a fucking war but I'll think about it ".

She smiled at me and gave me a quick hug . " Don't think just take action girl and they won't be no war girl any bitch who wanna start something can get rocked " she said laughing "cause you know that Omya Harris don't play that shit ".

I rolled my eyes at her smiling . " Yea we all know you a thug in them streets girl , crips or blood I be forgetting ".

"Blood bitch " she said making the sign .

We busted out at our dumb ass , she flicked me off and blow me a kiss walking off the to class .

I really don't know if I want to do everything that omya's crazy ass wants to do but I'll think about it . Maybe I should give them some shit , time to turn up the pettiness ??

When class was over Omya texted me to meet her up at her car and that we was gonna chill and create the master plan , I shook my head laughing as I read her text and replied back .
I suddenly remember that I left my jacket up stairs in my locker , I sighed and jogged my ass through the stinky ass crowd of people who need to learn how to shower right . I always bring a jacket and it was a must cause today I had on dark blue high waisted shorts and a white tight crop top that showed my shoulders with my hair in a huge bun , my make up is always simple a winged eyeliner mascara and lipgloss . I felt a chill of air hit me at my collar bone which caused me to have goose bumps , when I finally reached up stairs . I ran down to my locker since the hallway was empty and stopped when I saw hakim by my locker . The first thing that rang into my mind was shit , I looks ugly as hell when I run .

I walked calmly over to him but felt myself blush as his eyes roamed from my eyes down my body .

He leaned off my locker and smiled at me . "Hey " his deep voice made me blush and gave me chills at the same time . I couldn't help but smile "hey " I said casually , but inside I was screaming mentally .

" I know me and you don't really talk or anything and it's just out of the blue that I'm approaching you now but .....I just wanna get to know you better cause when you bumped into me in the hallway a couple of daze ago I didn't know that they were girls like you at our school " he said smiling at me " Basically I think you stunning ".

I don't even know what to say , my crush for 3 years thinks I'm stunning ? Lord have mercy on my weak soul and lift me out of this shock .

I don't really know how to flirt but imma try .

I gripped on the my open locker and bit down on my lip and looked up in his menacing eyes .

"I'd like to know you better too and unlike you I've been knowing that they was stunning boys like you at our school ". God I'm corny

He reached up touching the back of his head looking down then at me grinning . " I sadly go for things that I know are quick and easy ".

"Yea sadly you do " . I said looking in his eyes leaning into my locker .

He bit down on his perfectly shaped plump delicious lips and smiled .

"That's all over now though" .

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