The boys meet the girls: Liam and Bear

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As promise here is the preview of what's to come maybe depending on views I can get the chapter up next week cause I am off Friday and i will be able to work on it more as well anyways on with the story 

Niall put the girls in the swing so they were close by as Niall opened the gifts cause Harry had brought more for Niall

"Oh Harry you didn't Niall says when he sees the gifts that Harry brought in

"I wanted too" Harry says as he brought in diapers on top of diapers for Niall

"Thanks this will help a lot" Niall says as he opens the gifts that Harry brought

Harry got the girls a lot of outfits and many were matching

"Oh Harry these are cute i can't wait to dress them when they are older" Niall says as he sees the age group

"I got smaller sizes too" Harry says as he has the swings go since the girls were fussy

"Thanks I will go through clothes like crazy with these two" Niall says with a chuckle

"I got Dreft too for their clothes" Harry says to Niall

"Thanks Harry that helps" Niall says as he was going to talk to Harry since the girls were napping once again in their little swings

"Welcome Niall they are really cute" Harry says s he was going to hang with Niall for a little bit

(Weeks later)

Niall was just chilling with the girls since they had their one month pictures taken and they were very good for their age except for Noelle who was fussy and didn't like her pictures taken so Niall was going to bond with her for a little bit while Gia was napping in her room since she was out like a light 

"Hey Liam" Niall says when he sees who was calling him

"Hey Niall you want to do something?" Liam asks him since he had Bear for a little bit and he was loving this time he had with his little buddy too 

"Yeah want to go on a walk with the kids?" Niall asks as he went to get the double stroller   

"Wait Niall when did you become a dad?" Liam asks him 

"Long story and you can meet the girls they already met Harry and they have yet to meet you, Louis and Zayn" Niall says as he was still talking to Liam since the girls were being good at the moment 

"Sure i can do that how about now?" Liam asks him

"Now works for me that way Bear can meet his playmates" Niall says to Liam 

"Or his girlfriend down the road" Liam says to him

"I don't want to think that far ahead knowing Louis he would want Freddie to be with one of them too" Niall says to Liam 

"Who knows" Liam says as he was going to hang up so they could have their bonding day with just the kids in their strollers 

"Yeah who knows see ya in a bit" Niall says to Liam 

Found and taken in by Niall Horan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now