Part 2

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Before Niall knew it the girls were going to be turning a year old and he wanted them to have a party to remember if they could remember it at all, but Niall didn't care it was a big event bigger then when he found them cause it was going to be a full year that he found them on that side of the road

"I still can't believe the girls are going to be one" he says as he was shopping for them online for their birthday

Niall started to have a flashback to when he found them


"My word" he says when he hears loud crying from the car seats as he got out of his car to see what was inside the car seats and by the sounds of the crying it was two babies that was not happy at all

Niall rocked the car seats gently to calm the babies down a little bit before he put them in his car, so he could continue on his way to the doctors with the babies

"Its okay cutie pies your safe with Niall" he says as he picked up both car seats and took them to his car cause he was going to take them as his kids cause it was dangerous for the babies to be out there on the highway by themselves at that young age

Niall put one car seat in and buckled that one in and when he had that one secured behind him

"Looks like i need to get two car seat bases before i go to the doctor's" he says as he got back into the car to go shopping for bases for the car seats

Niall put the A/C on for the babies, so they were not so hot from the car and from being outside at all

"It looks like you two are girls" he says as he looks back at the car seats as he was driving still

The babies heard voices and they settled down slowly cause they knew they were safe from harm, and they were going to be protected as well

"That was one crazy day I never thought I would turn out to be a dad right now" he says as he was thinking back to that day when he found the girls and how his life had changed for the better thanks to those two girls 

"Okay this is real" he says as he was still shopping for them cause their first birthday was coming up and he could not wait to celebrate it with his girls and friends and family as well cause he had two parties planned for the girls one with friends and family and one with just his family as well cause his parents were excited to spoil the girls and treat them like queens that they were as well cause in his eyes they were his queens and his number ones as well and nothing was going to take that from him cause he loved being a dad to the best two girls in the universe right now

Niall spent a good bit on the girls and a good bit was 1,000 dollars on each girl and that did not include the cake and decorations yet cause he had to buy those as well and the outfits that the girls were going to wear for pictures and of course the day of the parties as well cause he was going to go all out for their first birthday of course and he was going to go out every year until they hit 16 and that was not going to be for a couple of years

"Okay I have to work on the venue where the party is going to be cause I am going to be inviting friends and of course family and I want to be able to have social distance as well" he says as he was looking to where he could have it and nothing was standing out to him right now venue wise so he was going to have it in the backyard where he could space everything out and it was better as well in case people wanted to be space out during the party cause that was alright with him cause there were going to be people who want to be space out and people who want to sit together with their friends      

Nial was able to get the venue secured for the party as well as the date and time cause he was going to go and decorate days before cause he was going to have a lot of decorations and balloons for the party then the day before the party he was going to get everything else ready like the highchairs and make sure everything was going to be in place for the party when it was time to have the party 

"Okay now to order balloons and them delivered the day before the party" Niall says as he was going to get the balloons ordered as well cause he was going to go all out for the party as well cause this was going to be a party to remember at least for him cause it was going to be the first of many parties he was going to plan for the girls as well cause he was going to be planning a lot more parties for them in the future as they grow up cause he wanted to be a part of their lives  

Part 3 is next 

Found and taken in by Niall Horan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now