Part 6

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The security guard lets Niall and the girls into the building and Niall heads to the set in question as well and he was going to be heading to his dressing room as well to get the girls ready for their first dress rehearsal ever cause they were going to get the full treatment that came with being a star they were going to have their makeup done a little bit which they might like or not cause they never had that experience ever either so it was going to be really special for them cause they might feel like big girls gets their makeup done by professionals since they will be on television later

(Dressing room)

"Here we are girls daddy is going to set the bag down and get you girls out so you girls can explore while daddy gets everything set up to get you girls ready for the show tonight cause James wants to do a dress rehearsal with you girls to see what is going to go where and how he wants to introduce you girls" Niall says as he was setting the bag down somewhere in the room then he was going to baby proof the room before he got them out of the stroller to explore a bit

The twins started to explore the new space and see what trouble that they could try to get into as well cause they knew daddy was going to stop them from getting into trouble as well and that was not going to be fun for them at all cause they will be upset that they couldn't see what could happen as well if they try to touch something that they should not be touching as well

"Good James did baby proof the dressing room for me that's a good thing and the girls won't get into the cupboard or get near the outlets as well and they will be totally safe in the room if he wanted to chill S well before the dress rehearsal which he is going to do cause he needed to relax and soak in the girls being this little cause they won't be little for much longer as well and it was going to break his heart that the girls are going to be growing up and soon they will be off to school and doing their own thing too like one will be involved in one thing while the other twin may be involved in another activity and he was going to try to figure out a way to balance it all out again cause he was going have to really figure out how to be in two places at once as well cause he was going to ask his mom or his dad to come out before the game or whatever that way someone was there for the other twin as well too cause he wants to be in two places at once but he physical can't cause that will cause a bunch of drama he doesn't need and doesn't want with the girls as well when they get older in life and that was not going to be good at all in him and the girls cause they could turn into little divas and he was not going to be dealing with any divas later on and if that happens he was going to put them back in line or come down harder on them as well with punishment if they still have the rotten attitude after they had been punished as well cause he was going to be putting up with that when they were teenagers as well when they were older and he would understand when it was their time of the month and they are really grouchy and really grumpy and they might really hate a certain person or group of people when they have their time of the month and he knows he has to have plenty of chocolate on hand for them cause the cramps are going to be the death of them and he will have to have some type of pain medicine on hand in case the cramps are too bad for them and the chocolate was not going to dirk at all for them

Niall was going to make himself at home as he was going to wait for dress rehearsal to begin for the girls cause he wanted to see if there were going to be meltdowns as well cause those have started already with the girls and he was not looking forward to the terrible two phase of their life cause he knew that was going to be really bad phase and he did not know how he was going to handle it at all and he was going to get advice from Louis, Liam and of course Zayn cause they have been through it with their kids and Zayn had his daughter so he was going to be the expert on how girls handle the terrible twos and if they even go through it as bad as boys or worse then the boys cause Niall was going to get all three inputs on the terrible twos so he knows what to expect from the girls when they will go through it cause they could go through it at anytime after that too

More next week hopefully

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