The boys meet the girls: Harry preview

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Okay I am going to have the guys start meeting the girls and getting to know them as well and yes, I am bringing the first part of the Zayn story in here as well, and since i must close tonight here is a preview of the next chapter which i am hoping to get up maybe when i am not closing or working like crazy which i am now  

Niall saw that the girls were still asleep, and Noelle was still close to him, so Niall moved her so he could get up and stretch for a little bit and see if anyone called or text him

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he was texting Harry back since the girls were still asleep

Niall called Liam and thanks him for the messages and he promised that the other could see the girls soon

"I have been busy Louis since i am a dad now to two adorable girls" Niall says as he texts Louis back

Niall sees that Zayn called him so he called him back and he was up for meeting him so the girls could meet him too sometime after the girls got completely settled in their new lives with Niall as their dad cause Niall wanted to shelter the girls as much as he could before he told the world about them

"I think I am going to call Harry" Niall says as he was going to call Harry in one of the other rooms since the girls were napping still and he was going to leave them nap since they needed to get on a schedule of some sort soon 

H = Harry

N = Niall

H: Hey Niall what do i owe this phone call?  

N: Just calling you back since the girls are napping right now

H: How are they doing and when do i get to meet them?

N: They are doing good right now and maybe after they have gotten settled in you can see them, or you can come over sometime and get to see them for yourself cause they are simply darling and too adorable

H: You are going to be a great dad to them, and they will have a good life with you

N: Thanks Harry they will for sure I love them to death

H: Let me know when i can come over to meet them

N: Will do i have to go Noelle woke up and is wanting me

H: I might come over now and how old are they?

N: Sounds good and newborn i say cause they are not that old at all

H: Okay see you in a few

N: No problem

Niall went to get Noelle and take care of her 

"Oh, sweetie it's okay daddy is right here" he says as he picks her up and holds her in his arms to comfort her 

Niall went to get a binky for her to see if that was going to help the cause any 

"Here we go Noelle" he says as he gave her the pacifier to see if that helps her settle down 

Niall walked with her, and he hummed some tunes as he waited for her to go back to sleep on her own since she should be sleeping for a while longer yet 

"Sweet Noelle" he says as she looks up at him as she sucked on her binky a little bit longer since she was a happy camper 

Niall got her sling and always kept her close to him which she liked a lot 

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