Part 2

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"I want to do a birthday the day of the late-late show birthday cause that is bound to help me overcome this part of my life I am totally not ready for either" Niall says as he was thinking of the big day and how he wants it to go cause he would want it to go as smoothly as he could right now cause there might be jealousy happen with the girls cause one gets to go on stage to have her party while the other one is calm and chilled back there with one of her uncles while her daddy is on stage with her sister as well and she is not getting the spotlight at all cause it's also her special day as well like her sister, and why her sister is getting that attention as well and she was not getting any attention cause there weren't no cameras at all which Niall wanted for her cause she was really camera shy right now and he was going to help her overcome it later on in life when she was good and ready as well and until then he was going to keep her out of the spotlight right now until she was fully ready for this game and publicity as well cause it was going to be a lot for her to handle at this young age as well cause if she had to deal with this now she won't be able to handle it and he would get mad as well at the reporters as well for taking pictures without his content cause she was underage right now and that was not going to be good at all and that was going to cause some drama as well with Niall and the press as well cause they always wanted pictures of the girls for their story as well and he was going to keep both girls in disguise for a god few years yet at the most right now

Niall was going to go shopping for the girls birthday outfits that they were going to have on during their birthday celebration on the late-late show cause he had the other birthday party outfit picked out as well and he wanted them to be different cause he was bound to mix them totally up as well so he was going to have the late-late show on the back of their shirts as well so he knew what shirt was for what celebration as well

"Now to wait for one of the celebrations to come and once one is over with I can breathe a little easier as well too and only worry about the celebration that I'm going to be giving them as well" he says as he was going to think ahead to the real celebration that he was going to be giving the girls as well

Niall was going to do the best that he can with the party planning for the one birthday celebration cause it was going to be the very first birthday celebration for the girls and he wanted to remember it the best that he could cause it was their first birthday as well and he knew they won't remember their birthdays for a while yet, and he wanted to tell them about their first birthday and how it was super special to him and to everyone else as well too cause he was going to celebrate it with everyone that has helped him on this crazy journey of becoming a dad as well too even though they don't know how much that they meant to him as well

"Now to wait for the first of these celebrations to come and then it will be over with then we will move on to the next one as well too cause this is driving me nuts" he says as he was looking at the calendar right now cause the first of three celebrations was coming up fast and he wanted to be totally ready for this as well cause it was coming up too fast for his liking as well and he had two more after that celebration

That chapter will come sometime hopefully

Happy holidays and happy New Year

More will come when I don't have to work over or work in general and I get a day off and I don't call off either or work totally weird or end up with one day off either

Part 3 will come I swear next week

Found and taken in by Niall Horan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now