Bringing the girls home

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"Here we go Gia" he says as he was feeding her bottle since she was a hungry little girl at the moment and she needed food as well

Gia took the bottle happily from daddy and ate really good as well

"Easy sweetie" he says as he was looking at her as she was eating happily for him

Niall saw Noelle come back into the room and he was glad to see her again and he was glad he was going to hold her after he took care of her sister

"Hi Noelle" he says as he looks into her crib since she was asleep like her sister was before her before she woke up and she needed fed as well

Niall stuck his one finger in and Noelle held tight cause she knew daddy was in the room with her and he was close by as well if she needed him

"Daddy is here Noelle" he says as he looks at her after a while as her eyes started to flutter open and look at him with her pretty eyes

Niall was happy he had his girls back, and he could not wait to take them home when they could go home

"Okay Gia I have to feed your sister" he says as he was burping her after she ate good for him

Niall changed her and laid her back in her crib and he got ready to feed Noelle since she was not a happy girl either

"Okay Noelle I'll feed you" he says as he got her out of her crib to feed her since her bottle was brought in for her too so she could eat too 

Niall loved his girls and he could not wait to take them home later on when they were cleared to go home. The girls had to be admitted cause there was something in their bloodstream as well as  their urine so Niall had to leave the hospital without his daughters and that broke his heart into pieces that he didn't have the girls home for their first night with him but he knew it was for the best and they were going to be home soon enough too. That gave him enough time to get the nursery ready for the girls so they had their room when they came home from the hospital and got settled in 

(Days later)

Niall was excited that Noelle and Gia was going to be coming home from the hospital and t hey were going to be his girls. Niall got the nursery fully ready for them and got the closet packed full of clothes, and he had plenty of nappies for the girls as well just in case he needed to change them 

"Hello my darling daughters how are we today?" Niall asks as he came into the room to check on the girls and get them ready to come home 

The twins were quite happy that they were going to be going home and be with daddy, and have a cool life with Niall as their daddy 

"I take that as a yes come on I'll get you girls ready to go home" he says as he was going to dress each of the twins before going home with them since he could not wait to have them home and under one roof 

Niall worked fast with the girls so they didn't cry when they were getting dressed and they didn't either they liked it 

"You girls look very beautiful" he says as he puts the bows on their heads so they looked more cute then what they do 

Niall gave them a lot of kisses and they loved it 

"Okay time to get you girls into the stroller so we can head out of here" he says as he was looking at the girls as they were looking around the room one last time 

Niall signed the girls out and they headed home, so Niall could get them settled in their new home

"You girls are so adorable" he says as he was walking out with them back to his car where the bases were installed correctly and each of the girls had a fun mirror so they could look at themselves as he was driving home, and he could check and make sure all of them were still okay back there in the backseat 

Niall loaded each of the girls in before before putting the stroller in the trunk so they could go home 


"Here we are girls welcome home" he says as he was bringing the girls into the house since they were fast asleep in their car seats 

Niall set the car seats down in their room so he could set the girls in their cribs so they could sleep for a little longer while he was busy in the studio that he had in the basement right next to the girls playroom later on down the road so they could play while he was writing and producing music 

"Night girls i love you to the moon and back" he says as he kissed each of the girls on the head as he tucked them into their cribs for the time being 

He grabbed a monitor from each of the cribs so if one of the girls woke up he could go back to the nursery and tend to the twin that was not happy at all, and as soon as he left Noelle woke up and she was not happy at all 

"Noelle it's okay love" he says as he picked her up and held her close 

"I think i am going to have you close by" he says as hr grabs the wrap Louis gave him so if one of the girls was clingy she was close by daddy at all times

Once Noelle was in the wrap and on Niall's bare chest she settled right down and went to sleep once more and Niall loved that part 

V & C   

Found and taken in by Niall Horan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now