chapter 7

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Scarlets pov
'OI WAKE UP' someone shouted and jumped on my bed and because the person was so heavy i fell off and was on the ground

'Oh shit' the person said and i opened my eyes to see blake and i fell asleep on the ground

'Hey wake up' he said and picked me up and the i realised

I have school

Oh fuck

'Ugh can i skip school' i groaned and blake looked scared

'Blake what happend' i said in a cold voice

'Well I just realised the school ur going to has my rival gang the tigers' he said and i smiled

'That's what makes it better' i said heading into my shower taking a shower and brushing my teeth and putting on black trainers with black jeans a crop top and my letter jacket

My hair was naturally straight so i headed outside and saw blake was still there

'Don't be scared if u get and call from school' i said and he laughed and i headed downstairs and saw it was already 8:15am

'Yo when does school start' i ask him

'Yeah in London school starts at half 8 and u only get 5 lessons' he said and i nodded and headed outside and into my car with my gun just in case

I drove to school immediately drawing stares from everyone in the parking lot and I smirked knowing this was gonna be fun

I saw a parking spot in the front and parked in there and when i got out gasps evolved throughout the parking lot

'Dude she parked in his spot'

'Omg i wish I was like her'

'I would hit that'

'I'll make her scream my name'

Everyone said and i smirked and made my way to the office where I saw an old lady looking at me in disgust and looking at me up and down

'Look lady you ain't no piece of eye candy so get over it and give me my damn schedule' i said and she was literally was shaking in fear and i smirked

'Name' she said

'Scarlet king' i said and her eyes widened

'Your back' she whispered and gave me my schedule and blake bursted through the doors

'Dude who died' i asked

'Forgot your keys' he said and i took them

'Ok' i said and a weird accent and he laughed, hugged me and went away

I walked outside and saw everyone looking in my direction and their eyes widened

'Oh shit she's back'

'Damn blakes sister'

'Oh shit the tigers are gonna flip'

'Nah ryders gonna be pissed'

People said and i went to my locker and put bag inside but kept my keys, phone and gun on me

The bell rang and i kept on walking ignoring class until a teacher saw me

'What are u doing here' she said and her eyes widened and she turned on her heels and ran off and i smirked

I decided to head to class and kicked open the door and everyone looked at me

'Why are u late' the teacher said and i sat down next to some guy with black hair and his ears stretches out and he just looked at me

'U don't need to know why I'm late' i said to him

'Tell me or your being parked' he said I started laughing

'Parked, dude i aint no car go back to your little ford' i said and his eyes widened

'How do u know' he said and i laughed even harder

'Ok calm down Geez what's your name' he asked me

'Scarlet' i said and sat back and started going on my phone and the guy next to me looked taken back but then as fast as it came it was gone and he smirked

'So now your texting in my class get out' he said and i laughed and headed outside and sat in the back and started to smoke

The bell then rang for break so i headed back inside and into my locker getting some money when I felt a presence behind me and i turned around

'STAY AWAY FROM HIM' she shoute

'From who'  i said 

'From him' she said and pointed at 2 guys who were glaring at me and i laughed

'And what did I do' i said and she didn't even reply only a loud noise echoed throughout the hall

This bitch did not just slap me

'U did not just do that' i said coldly and walked up to her and she was literally shaking

'I did what u gonna do' she said and i punched her in the face and flipped her down and she screamed in pain and then in kicked her side and punched her nose until i felt arms locking mine and pulling me back up

But I was angry I flipped the person over and went back to that slut and punched her even more and harder then kicked her and punched her jaw and heard a satisfying crack and eryone gasped but then the head teacher came and i looked back at the person I flipped and saw it was


I'm the gang leaders sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें