My Children

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God: yes?
Me:Why are people so infuriating
God:That doesn't matter all that matters is that they are my children
Me:Yeah but-
God:My Children
Me: sometimes I don't think you understand how annoying they really are
God: you don't think I understand? I made everything I gave them miracles I still give you all miracles but you all turn away.
Me: I know but God don't you see what they're doing-
God:My Children No ifs ands or buts I created you I sent my son he died for all of you.
Jesus: yes I did not just the ones who have have chosen sanctification through my name I died for the broken the dying, sick, handicapped, THE MISUNDERSTOOD I DIED SO THAT YOU ALL DIDN'T HAVE TO!
The Holy spirit: And I was given to you by The Father and the Holy Son
We are the trinity we have no hands but yours show our love and we will guard you....
God:My Children
Me:My sisters and brothers
Holy Spirit:It's normal that you get angry they have different opinions but just let us show and we'll guide you in the rest we won't do things for you we will help you we will give you wisdom and we will help you guide other people to our Kingdom
Jesus: go continue your journey❤
I made that picture above with a bunch of other pictures that I found online to show different aspects of the trinity since we don't have any depictions of God the Father I just used the resurrected Christ but I thought it looked cool so I shared it here
God bless! ❤

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