I am flabbergasted

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I found this article by a baptist pastor saying how Catholics are pagans and we think Mary is a goddess and then he continued to go on to say "Mary had a whole litter of kids! everyone in Nazareth knew it. But then pope loving candle lighting ring kissing Catholics deny it" by this point I was just thinking I am so done and then he goes on to say that Catholics must be mentally sick and need help and that we called ourselves Romans before Catholic then goes on to say how there bible illiterate.... i'm so angry right now especially because this guy doesn't even have correct grammar just saying who came first I'm going to link this here if anybody wants to read it. OK now I'm just losing my cool then he says this "You see, brothers and sisters, most Catholics really don't have any idea what they believe in. They just go to their so-called churches every so often, light a few candles, count a few beads, talk to a priest and head home. Can you imagine all them Catholics gettin' to heaven and God asking them, "Okay, now tell Me why you believe in Me." They'll all drop their jaws to the floor and say, "Well, I never thought of 'why' I believe in you, I was just told it was what I was supposed to do." Won't they be surprised when Jesus lifts his hand back and smacks their heads right off their shoulders into the lake of fire. Glory to God!" HOW DARE SOMEONE SAY THIS I WAS SAVED BECAUSE I CRIED OUT TO JESUS AND HE SAVED ME BY HIS GRACE ok I'm sorry. I would never dream of attacking someone this way! anyway please no hate to me I just want to share my thoughts with you LINK (some weird/questionable use of language here) http://www.landoverbaptist.org/sermons/dangcatholics.html PeacefulPromise BelieveInHisLove , TrinitiesFollowers , if you don't mind I would love to hear fellow Catholics opinion on this anyway my rant is done. God bless you all <3

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