Epilogue: Let the Games End!

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  • מוקדש ל You, for staying until the very end

Life is like playing a violin solo in public and learning the instrument as one goes on. --Samuel Butler

Dear Reader,  

Yes. It's official.

The book is about to end. In fact, as you read, the end is drawing nearer....

One last thing to mention before the book leaves us forever: Pop Quiz! (haha, didn't see that coming did you?)  

1. What are the names of the 4 strings on the violin?

a. C,A,T,O

b. G,D,A,E

c. F,O,U,R

d. Other: ________________  

2. Name a famous violinist.


3. Did Albert Einstein play the violin? (

The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.---Andy Rooney)

a. Yes

b. No

4. What did you think of this book?

a. Yay! 5/5 stars

b. Eh. It was OK.

c. Bad.

d. I do not understand English.

e. Didn't read it.

Last question: What is 3 + 3?

Anyways, I haven't nearly covered every component in the violin world, but I promise you that playing the G, D, A, and E strings will do you well in the aristocratic court. :)

Side-effects: King may demote you to court Jester, People May Laugh or Scorn You, Violin May Break, People may Leave the Room

Good luck in Pursuing a Career as Wealthy Musician! :D


the Author

P.S Let me know if I should do the sequel? (A Plebeian's Guide to Playing the Violin Badly)

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