The Author Thought it was All in Fun...Pop! Goes the Quiz!

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 Whoever heard of an electric violin, electric cello or, for that matter, an electric singer? --Andres Segovia

Hey, where are all my readers? I didn't even mention what was going to happen today! In fact, nothing surprising is going to happen today. The only thing I didn't mention was that I just bought myself a big bag of Swedish Fish...and maybe the fact that we're going to learn about bow posture in two weeks!

What? Do you have a pop quiz today?

NOPE! we are not having a pop quiz today! Yay! Because, by definition, a pop quiz is: a quiz given without proir warning, as stated by, and I've been hinting a quiz for weeks!

Dun dun dun...Time to take the quiz. I'll give you an hour, but if you finish in a nano-second, it is possible that you will be able to obtain a dung-flavored jellybean. Good luck!

1. What are those weird, silver, thin things on the violin? (Hint: The answer is bolded and italicized.)

A. IDK!!

B. A weird, silver, thin thing. Duh.

C. A string

D. Other:_______

2. What instrument are you playing?

A. Um...<refers to first chapter> Bill Gates' credit card?

B. A viola

C. A Stradivius Violin!

D. A purple cow. Moo!

3. What is the violin made out of?

A. Wood

B. Severus Snape's oily hair

C. Rubber, foamy material...Styrofoam maybe?

D. It's made of air. My violin is invisible. (If you pick this choice, you are now demoted back to the Violin Shop--go backwards three chapters!)

4. Sign your name here: _____________________________

Very well. Thank you for your results. I will grade these quizzes and hand them back next week!!

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