Chapter 6

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Niall's POV

Wow! That girlwas absolutely breathtaking. Ashleigh... She's got a beautiful name too. I was amazed at her first sight, and I just can't stop thinking about her. If only I had her number..

Hey! Wait a minute! I'm pretty sure Liam has her number. I walked over to Liam on the couch (we were all together messing around at Louis' place) where he was playing around on his phone. "Hey Liam! Watcha doin'?" I asked, acting as casually as I possibly could. "Twitter. Why?" he simply replied. Okay, time to ask. "Well-I-um I--" I was cut off. "Mate, her number is 046-389-8734 (A/N Not her real number-security reasons)" Liam told me with a smirk, "How did you know?" I asked him, shocked. "You couldn't havebeen any more obvious, you know Niall!" I heard Louis shout from the kitchen, where he was watching Harry cook. Yikes. 

I saved her number on my phone. I was about to press the call butto, but I hesitated. What happens if she doesn't like me? I was nervous to talk to her, so I stuck with a text message:

Hey, Niall hear, Liam's friend. What's up?

I pressed send, nervous about what would happen next. I was happy when I got a reply!

Text convo, A for Ashleigh, N for Niall:

A- Nothin' much,gettin' bored. 

N- Same

A- Kay then, meet me in the West St park in 5 =D

OH MY GOD!!!!! I was not expecting that. Yikes I only got 5 minutes to get ready!! I threw on my best T-shirt and jeans, and called out to the boys "GOIN' FOR A WALK! SEE YA SOON!" and walked my way to West St. When I got to the park, I sat down on a bench. Was she just messing around? Was she just planning to make a fool out of me? Is she gonna turn up?

My chain of worrying was soon interrupted when a pair of warm hands covered my eyes and I was engulfed by that beautiful scent I remembered from this morning. "Guess Who?" She said in that sweet voice of hers. I thought I'd mess aroud a bit, and replyed,in a high squeaky fangirl's voice "OMG Is it Demi Lovato?" She burstout laughing in a sweet contagious laugh, and moved her hand from my eyes. She sat herself down next to me and gave me a smile. "Sup?" I replyed with a, "Nothin' much" We sat there in a comfortable silence, until she suddenly shouted "Race you to the swings!" and ran off. I ran after her. I wasn't gonna let this injustice slip. I tackled her to the ground, and started tickling her. "This is for starting without me ready" I told her with a smile. She couldn't stop laughing and said in between laughs "Okay, I'm sorry, let me go!" I smirked. I wasn't gonna let this chance out of my hand. "Okay, I'll let you go, but you have to say: Pleaslet me go, oh hot and sexy Niall" This was going to be funny. She managed to stop laughing and repeated what I had told her to say.


I was sitting in Nando's with Ashleigh. Let me tell you how we ended up here. After the tickle attack, we went to the swings, where we had a competition on who could swing the highest. After that, we both realised we were hungry, and made our way to Nando's, where we found a booth in the corner. We ordered Peri Peri Chicken, and were eating in peace, until a boy, who seemed around 19 years of age, walked over to us. He looked at Ashleigh with a smile, then gave me a death glare. " Hey Dayne, wassup?" Ashleigh greeted the boy casually. He greetedher back, then she finally introduced us. "Niall, this is Dayne, Taylah's kid brother. Dayne, meet Niall Horan of One Direction!" I loved how she said my name,with that honey sweet voice of hers.

A while later, Dayne was sitting with us, with Peri Peri Chicken of his own. Time to time, in betwwen conversations, he would throw me a glare, and I would send one back. Either Ashleigh didn't notice that, or she chose to ignore it. I was relievd when Dayne's phone rung, and he had to go.


A/N OK, big apologies to Ashleigh, for spelling her name wrong, and putting Dayne in there, with feelings for her.

Dedicated to @briannamarie2013 for being my first out of school and person I didn't know reader. Will try to update soon, maybe tomorrow or the day after.Oh yeah, and OMG I GOT 169 READS!!!!!

Till Later


My Prom Date ((Liam Payne/One Direction))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon