Chapter 3

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Liam's POV

Oh God! I really didn't want to do this...

Taking Taylah to the prom? I hate that girl. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures....


The day after my fight with Taylah: I walked into school, to be greeted with a shout from Andy. "LIAM DID YOU THINK OF ANYONE?!" "What do you mean think of anyone?" I asked him, confused. "The prom, dude!" Oh right... I traced back to the conversation we had last  night. I had to find a prom date. I  wanted to go stag, but "That would be bad for my reputation as the school's most popular boy". Andy's words. I hadn't really thought of anyone and I told him that. He was't happy about it, and started giving me suggestions.

"Melissa?"  TAKEN

"Saren?" TAKEN

"Fine, Tessa? I'm pretty sure she's not taken,'" he said with a victorious grin,thinking he had found me the perfect date, but no, I told him that I hated her even more than I hated Taylah. He said "Fine, then ask out Taylah!" I considered it. "You really think I should ask Taylah..." I asked him thoughtfully. "YES! PUH-LEASE!!"

*End of Flashback*

And that is how I got into this mess. I tightened my tie and walked out my door to find an impatient Andy. He had asked Naveena out to the prom. That boy was head over heels for that girl as soon as he saw her. Cute.  We walked out the door, and drove to Taylah's house, Where we would be accompanied by Taylah, Naveena, Ashleigh and Simran. Ashleigh and Simran were going stag. Not because they were loners, they had gotten many requests to the prom, the just refused them all. 


We walked up to the Hensleys' house, and rung the doorbell. It was opened by a lady, who I guessed was Taylah's mother. "Good evening Mrs. Hensley," I greeted politely. "Oh, Madylin's just fine dear. You must be Liam and Andy! What charming young men you are! Just wait a minute will you, the girls will be down in a second," she told us. After about 2 minutes of waiting, we heard footsteps. I turned on my heel, to be greeted by the most beautiful sight I had ever set my eyes on. Taylah.

I just stared in amazement, at the beautiful girl, delicately making her way down the stairs in a black mid-thigh length dress, brightened up with a pearl necklace, a metal silver bracelet on her wrist, a thin silver analog watch on the other, as well as diamong hanging earings. And her hair, wow,her hair. Her fringe was clipped up with a silver bobby pin, and her hair was straightened to absolute silkiness. Her make up was done in an amazing way. A light pink blush on the cheeks, her lips rosy, with a slight hint of pink lip gloss, and her mesmerising sea- blue eyes, enhanced with dark mascara. In simple words, she looked perfect. 

All of a sudden, my negative attitude flew away. I took her hand in mine and we made our way to the car.


I asked her to dance with me. The school hall was decorated beautifully and a lot of couples were dancing. Simran and Ashleigh were mucking about, not wanting to dance, and Andy and Naveena were hand in hand, close together, swaying gently to the music.

I put my hand out to Taylah, and to my surprise, she took it! I walked her to the dance floor, just to find another slow song come on. Perfect. I one hand around her waist and pulled her close to me. She gently put her and on my shoulder, and we held our other hands together. We moved gently to the music, and the whole time my eyes were staring down at her's. I could see a blush creeping on her face. That was the best dance of my whole life.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Andy send me a thums up and a wink, the fangirling of Simran and Ashliegh when they saw us, and the evil eye from the dateless Tessa.


A/N LOL Tessa didn't get a date! Well bitch that's what you get for being mean to my bestie. Anyway, thank you to all my readers, and I hope you enjoy the book =D 

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