Chapter 17

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~Kurai's POV~

It took months for me to help build and repair the buildings I damaged in my rampage. In that time, I became friends with Dodai. And yet, I say that with reservation, for we were still distant towards one another, not completely trusting each other.

Then, one day that all changed. I was working with Dodai on the stone walls of the house, when I had a vision.

There was a worker on scaffolding, hammering boards to the frame of a wall. Above him was a crane lifting steel beams... and something went wrong.

The metal beams tipped from the wires that held them, and fell on the man. People shouted, trying to warn him. He had just enough time to look up to see the danger, and then he was crushed.

I blinked, resurfacing from the vision. Beside me, I heard Dodai trying to get my attention, asking if I was ok. I could feel my three clones looking at me as well, but I ignored them all.

Instead, I left them there supporting the wall, and zipped over to the man from my vision, for I had just located him.

Dodai called after me, as he and my clones suddenly had to support the wall without me. From the tone of his voice, Dodai was pissed at me.

While I was running, I saw a man with white spiky hair using a huge shield made out of water. The hand signs he made streamed in front of my eyes: Tiger, Snake, Rat, Snake, Tiger. The man called out, Water Style: Encampment Wall!

Then the vision slid away from me. I shook my head loose of the vision as I ran, and instinctively knew I had to use that jutsu to save the workman.

Just like I saw in my previous vision, the steel beams fell on the workman. I just barely got there in time to use Suijinheki: Water Encampment Wall to protect the both of us.

The man stood there, gaping at me, his mouth hanging wide open.

I snapped at him, growling, "What are you waiting for?! Get outta here!"

He jolted out his reverie, and ran across the scaffolding, breaking through the wall of water I made.

The beams I was supporting started to slide... right for the running man.


I couldn't stop the beams that were sliding for the man, for I was stuck holding the rest. If I moved at all, the rest would be dislodged, endangering the other workers below.

I could only watch helplessly as the beam started to catch up with the running man. I was shocked and amazed when a small burst of blue fire ran past me in the form of a mouse.

It hit the steel beam over the man's head, making it cartwheel safely past him. The fire ball then split into thin blue hairs, and the hairs forced the beam back onto the pile I was holding.

I grunted from the strain of holding the beams in place as sweat ran down my face in rivulets.

A voice behind me called out, "Hang on!"

I groaned, and gruffly called out in a strained voice, "I don't know if I can..."

The water shield creaked, echoing my words in an ominous way. And then, the whole thing collapsed on me, the water streaming around me.

"Ah, crud nuggets." I sighed. "Just my luck."

I jerked as something wrapped around my waist, and yanked me out from under the falling beams. I slammed against a wall hard enough for me to see stars, before someone caught me.

"Baka." The person growled. "Don't do that again. I can't save you every time, and frankly, it's getting annoying."

Eventually, the dizziness faded, allowing me to see that my savior was Dodai.

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