I couldn't quite put my finger on what was different. Maybe, it was just me. I slipped on my boots, and walked out my closet.

On my way out of my bedroom I heard my computer make a sound. The laptop was closed I thought it was off, but I guess not. I lifted up the screen, and so that someone had hacked into my secret police files.

It was on Rayan profile, indicating that they were reading up on his background life. The only person that could of did this was Myles. I guess him, and his friends stopped by here when I left to look on Rayan file..... Why would they need to do that ?

After, putting all the evidence together I figured out what was different about my closet. I moved the clothes, and looked in the very back of the closet, and noticed that my gun was missing.

What The Fuck Are These Kids Up Too ? My eyes grew big, when I couldn't find my gun. I immediately picked up my phone, and dialed Rayanna's mom number. I grabbed my keys, and got in the car, while the phone ringed.

"Hello." She spoke into the receiever. "The kids. They are together. They stopped by my house, and hacked into police files. They read up on Rayan files. Why would they do that ? Do you have any idea ?"

"Oh Gosh." She sighed. "What is it ?" "Rayan is my son, and Rayanna told me they skipped school, and went to Mcdonald's...and at Mcdonald's someone.....someone."

"Someone what ?!" "Someone kidnapped Rayan. Yanna probably thinks this is her fault, and she got her crew together to go find him." "Do you have a gun anywhere in your house ?" "Yes. Why ?"

"See if its still there." "What ? Why ?" "Cause my gun is missing out my closet." "But, Yanna doesn't know I have a gun." "Just check. You never know what these kids know." "Hold on I'll go check."

I was at least 15 minutes from the police station. When I find Myles Imma kill him myself. I'm changing his school, and everything.

"Its Gone. My gun its gone. I had it in the garage, and she must of took it." I could hear her voice getting shakey, indicating that she was about to cry.

"Call the other parents tell them to meet me at the police station."


Location- House By The Lake

Time- 4:12am

Date- December 17, 2012 Saturday

Rayanna POV

I'm still alive. The sound of the gun scared the mess out of me. I thought I was dead. I looked up and saw Myles with a gun, and the harry guy feel down to ground.

I got up immediately, and hugged Myles. "Am I dead or just invisible. Someone get me out of this thing !" Rayan yelled, trying to squeeze his way out of the chair. I rushed over to him, and untied him.

"Why did they tie you up ?" I asked him, while the rest if the crew came running over to us all extra late. "Cause I refused to wait on whoever they said was coming, and they hit me cause I was talking smack."

"I heard a gun shot ! Is everyone ok ?" Jacob asked. "Did you shoot him ?" He asked Myles. Myles nodded his head, and dropped the gun. "Whoa, Myles I just gained so much respect for you....like your my new best friend." Chres joked.

Everyone just looked at him, and kisses their teeth. "Let's hide the body, and get going. Rayan said someone is suppose to be coming out this way." I said, trying to drag the body into the lake.

I guess I was to weak. Jacob, Myles, Rayan, and Santo did it for me. "What happen ?" Craig asked. "I'll tell you later. Let's just get out of here."

Everybody made their way to the car, while I picked up Myles and I gun and through them in the lake, so it would look like nothing happened here.

"YANNA ! COME ON." Nila and Sierra yelled, as I made my way to the car. Everybody in the car was silent. We were trying to process what just happened into our head.

"Nobody....none of us...no one ! We never speak of this again, okay !" Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"When I get home I'm in so much trouble." Craig said. " How come ?" Nila asked. "I have 32 Missed calls from my dad, and 47 from my mom. 22 Text probably from my parents."

"I think were all going to be in trouble." Sierra said, while showing us her phone reveling 87 missed calls, and 32 text messages." Them two showing us their phone caused all us to check.

I had 76 missed calls from my mom, and shockingly I had 34 missed calls from my dad. I haven't heard from him in a while. I had 21 text messages too. "Y'all I'm going to call my mom, and let her know I'm okay. We will just say we were just at a party, or something."

I dialed my moms number, and everyone got quite. "Hey, mom." I said into the receiver. "OMG, YANNA WHERE ARE YOU ?? YOU GOT ME UP HERE AT THIS POLICE STATION AGAIN."

"Mom calm down. I'm okay. I'm on my way home. I was just a late night bond fire." I lied.

"Don't lie to me, Yanna. Me and Myles father guns are missing." My eyes grew big. "What is it ?" Nila asked. "We also know y'all hacked into police private files." I was speechless, so i hung up the phone.

"What happen ?" Jacob and Craig said at the same time. "They know !" I bluntly said. "They know what ?" Nila asked me. " They know how we hacked into police files, and they know we had guns."

"Who hacked into police files ?" Rayan asked. I forgot he wasn't with us. "Myles did." "Myles you can hack ?" Rayan said in a shocked tone of voice. "Samething I said." Chresanto added.

"That doesn't matter right now. I'm in so much freaking trouble when I get home !" Myles said. "I think we all are Myles." "Not as much as me, Yanna. I hacked into police files, stole my dads gun, and killed somebody." " I stole my moms gun, and almost killed somebody." "Almost doesn't count. I actually killed someone."

The rest of the car ride was silent, due to the fact that everybody was afraid to go home. First, to get dropped off was Chresanto. I hope his ass get in trouble. I don't like him, I can't stand his ass.

Next, was Nila, then Craig, Sierra, Jacob, then me and Rayan. "Hope to see you tomorrow." I said giving Myles a hug. " I don't think I'll ever see another day." He pouted.

"Thanks Myles. I owe you one." Rayan said, before getting out the car with me. "Anything for a friend." Rayan and Myles gave each other dap, before he pulled off. Me and Rayan looked at each other, before walking into the house scared for our lives.


A/N- Sorry for errors. Updated using my phone /.\

Sorry for taking a while to update. I was working on my other story Walter's Niece &'& Spencer ( Chris Brown ). Please go check it out.

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