Chapter Forty-three

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Connor and Adelaide entered the overcrowded living room and were both immediately swamped with questions and thank you's, mainly from the girls. Connor had realised that nearly all of the girls that had been taken were either orphaned or were rogues.

He needed to find Jack and see what he wanted to do about them, personally he would be happy to take all of them but if Jack was happy enough he wanted them to have a choice. He found Jack sitting in the kitchen nursing the remains of a coffee, Adelaide seen this and said "You want me to freshen that up for you?" she smiled before filling the kettle up "Oh Adelaide, that would be lovely" he said attempting to smile.

Connor sat down beside him "What's up?" he whispered trying to stay below the range of wolf ears "I was just thinking about all the broken families that had been caused by me" he said trying to clear his throat in a macho way. "Where do you think the girls will all go!" he whispered back. Connor told him what he thought and seen a smile start on Jacks face "Well that would be a starting point" he nodded in approval "I'd be happy to take whoever wants to come. I know for a fact that I might already be going home with Sasha" he groaned resting his head on the table in his arms causing Connor to laugh "Lucky you, but seriously I think there are a few people through there that have just found their mates, all the rooms upstairs seem rather full" he groaned not like the fact that they were probably doing what he now wanted to do with Adelaide. "Connor that's my daughter you're thinking about!" Jack said in disgust "What the did you know?" he said feeling his cheeks heat up "Your eyes give you away and as Alpha I can smell your hormones "Eeewwww gross! I am actually here" Adelaide butted in as she placed a hot mug of coffee down in front of both of them before collecting hers and sitting at the table with them.

"I was just discussing with Jack...your dad I mean, that we want to ask the girls if they want to join either of our packs? What do you think" Connor explained, he loved the look she had on her face as if she was the Queen and it was a decision that effected the whole of the UK. "That's a brilliant idea, can we do it now?" she said excitedly. "Can you not wait till we all finish our coffee?" Adelaide rolled her eyes before taking a huge gulp of her own coffee.

After the constant pleading from Adelaide, Connor finally couldn't take any more "OK we will go ask" he cursed lightly under his breath "I heard that! She growled lightly causing Connor to grin "Well you are a pain in the backside" he said loud enough that she heard a few people including her dad giggle " I will get you back for saying that" she growled again.

Everyone was now extremely tired and although everyone was told to meet at the pack house he noticed that Colin wasn't there, but he guessed he was with Sam, she was due any day now. With everything had had happened recently it had been stressful for both her and the baby she was carrying. Everyone else seemed to be here, even those that had disappeared upstairs earlier on, now they just stood so close to their newly found mates that you would think they were glued together.

Once everyone had settled down, Connor explained the choices that the girls had "I don't want a decision just yet, sleep on it tonight. We have enough space between all the properties on our land as well as the pack house, we will make sure that you have either a bed or sofa to sleep on and we will meet back here at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning" he said his voice thick with Alpha authority that was starting to make Adelaide feel really hot, all she wanted to do was get him back to bed as soon as possible. Connor looked at Adelaide and she knew he was also struggling "Pack dismissed!" and with that he picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the house.

Connor threw open the front door and gasped at the view in front of him; Sam was lying on the sofa in pure pain. Colin was trying to comfort her but by the looks of it he was failing miserably. "She's in full labour!" Adelaide whispered into Connors ear, "What do we do?" Colin mumbled looking at the ground. "Connor go find a midwife, Colin go find some towels and some warm water" Adelaide barked out using her new Alpha tone for the first time which made Connor fill with pride.

Adelaide sat beside Sam and reassured her that everything was going to be fine, she used her watch and timed the contractions, she found out that the contractions were now less than five minutes apart, although Adelaide had never known anyone in labour she had watched enough TV to have a rough idea. Before long Colin came downstairs with just about every towel he could find. He looked so pathetic that even Sam couldn't help but burst out laughing before another contraction hit.

It was another fifteen minutes before Connor arrived back at the house with an midwife in tow, the elderly women knew exactly what needed done and Connor and Adelaide were ushered out of the living room while a very pale Colin sat holding Sam's hand. They both crept upstairs to their bedroom, although Connors earlier plan to get her straight to bed had been put on hold as Adelaide was now pacing the room squealing like an over excited schoolgirl.

After about an hour a high pitched cry filled the house agitating Connors sensitive ears and causing Adelaide to rush out the room and fly down the stairs. She waited until Colin opened the door and she slowly walked over to the small bundle that Sam cradled in her arms, both Sam and Adelaide had tears in their eyes and Sam passed the small bundle over to Adelaide who looked petrified "I have never held a baby before!" she replied as she tried to figure how to take the baby from her arms without hurting it. Connor had came into the room after her and came to the rescue, he walked over to Sam and put both his strong hands gently under the tiny baby and lifted the baby out her hands and placed the baby into Adelaide's waiting arms.

Adelaide instantly fell in love "Is it a boy or a girl?" she whispered "She's a girl, we want to call her Sofia after you" Colin sniffed as he knelt down to hold his wife's hand. Adelaide felt her eyes fill up "Hello Sofia, I'm going to be your favourite aunty" she sniffed looking at the miracle that lay contently in her arms "I can't wait till I have one of my own" she said before turning bright red as she realised what she had just said, she felt arms slipping round her waist and land on her stomach "Who's to say you aren't already pregnant!" Connor spoke gently into her ear in the most erotic voice that made her start to melt, he nibbled her ear tenderly before Colin make a choking noise "Get a room!" he groaned.

Adelaide handed the baby over to Colin congratulated them both and thought it would be best to give them all some time alone, Connor was more than happy to get his alone time with his mate. "What did you mean back there that I could already be pregnant?" Connor just laughed, he had forgotten to explain just how virile werewolves where especially when they just found their mate.

Alphas were even more so than lower ranks and could only produce one child. The spirits made it this way so there would only be one true successor. Adelaide just grinned and rubbed her hand over her belly making Connor groan as his hormones went through the roof. Adelaide glanced at Connor and smiled seductively "Let's just make sure" she said in her sexiest voice before pulling the straps of her dress off her shoulders letting her simple daisy print dress fall to the ground. Connor closed the gap between them and placed both hands round her bum and lifted her allowing her to feel the effect she was having on him.

Adelaide groaned before finding her mark on his neck and kissed it till Connor couldn't take any more and placed her gently on their bed and straddled her making sure he kissed every inch of her. Since they arrived back home from that god forsaken place, their lovemaking had been raw with need, Connor now wanted so show her just how much love he had for her, he would make sure she realised just how much he cherished her.

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