Chapter Twenty-nine

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Connor had spent the morning round at Colin's house, somehow his house felt unbearably empty. He hated the thought of Adelaide living in another house when she should be here with him. "If all you're going to do is mope around, you may as well help me paint the babies room" Colin said after about the tenth sigh from Connor. Connor glared at Colin, "Yeah like that's going to happen" he huffed pulling a loose thread from his polo shirt causing a button to fall off, Sam burst into hysterics "Oh my god! You need her back pronto" she giggled before jumping up to run or more like waddle very fast to the toilet. "Yeah whatever!" he growled looking at the button that fell onto his lap, he really had it bad, he couldn't even manage a morning without her.

Suddenly a voice filled his head "Adelaide?" this was confusing she would be at work now, but to use mind control she must be close. Then he realised it was an emergency message that must have been sent by her wolf. Only in wolf form can a message be sent over a greater distance, but he hoped she hadn't gone wolf in her town. He shook his head and ran out his house in search of the location the signal had come from.

It took him a few hours to track down the exact spot and searched the area for her with no luck "What the hell!" he shouted confused and frustrated. He had no idea what to do, Adelaide was nowhere to be seen and there was no sign of a fight, no blood, fur anything to say that there was a struggle. The only thing he found was an empty syringe and tyre marks that on the dusty road was completely untraceable.

He fell to his knees and called out to her using mind control, but nothing came back. He didn't cry ever but the thought of not knowing where she was made him collapse into a fit of tears.

He didn't know how long he had stayed in this state but he heard a rustling in front of him and noticed the huge grey wolf with yellow eyes that was the exact description of the rogue. This angered him as he hadn't picked up on his scent and still couldn't. Who was this rogue wolf? The wolf walked behind some bushes and shifted into his human form and Connor noticed tears streaming down his face "Who the hell are you!" Connor spat not liking anyone seeing him, the mighty Alpha reduced to this pitiful sight. "I bear you no harm, I am looking for my daughter" he said looking down at the ground although he was more powerful than the Kelltoch Alpha, he didn't have time for power fights.

Connor realised immediately who this wolf was "Jack McLeod" Connor said with annoyance, Jack looked at Connor with shock that he knew who he was, Adelaide must have sent the alert to both of them, Connor sighed "I have no idea where she is!" he said with pain as he looked at Adelaide's father with red eyes. "I have an idea who took her but not where" Jack spoke with Alpha authority that made Connor feel uneasy.

They both shifted and headed back to Connors house. Connor threw Jack some clothes and after dressing they both walked up to Connors office. Jack was amazed at just how well looked after this place was with such a young Alpha. "So who do you think has my Adelaide?" he barked at Jack "Adelaide...oh Sofia" he said hearing her new name for the first time and hating it.

Jack told Connor everything and when he was finished he noticed that Connor sat very quietly. He stood up and walked to the window and opened it to get some fresh air. "If I could have done things differently I would have" Jack sighed. But Connor knew he would have done exactly the same thing and had told him so.

"We have a bigger problem, where do we start looking?" Jack said deep in thought. "What an idiot" Connor jumped to his feet, he had installed CCTV round his perimeter, and the spot she went missing in was just outside his territory, maybe they walked through his lands to get her. Jack followed him into a bedroom that now looked like a huge control room, "I was still looking for men to run this, but all the cameras are running" Connor explained and searched for a camera closest to the site "Bingo!" he shouted and started to rewind the tape, suddenly a large dog ran across the screen followed by three heavily built men with what looked like guns.

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