"I like you Jin and then I don't. Which makes things more difficult, but isn't difficult a good thing?"

"It can be. Kiba?"


"Do you still love Namjoon?" 

"U-uhh...what would you do if I said that I did?"

"I would do nothing."



"Oh, I didn't mean it to-"

"Do you still love him"

"Y-yeah I do."

Jin moved ever so slightly off of the bed and walked out the door. He didn't turn back, but he just left with no words. 

I sighed to myself. I thought that he would do nothing. 

I pulled myself up from the bed and looked out of the window. The window gave me the view of Jin walking to his car, but before he got in, he punched the wall that was next to him. I could hear him yell at the after effects. 

I felt extremely guilty for ever loving Namjoon. 

He got in his car, slamming the car door shut and driving off at a high speed. 

So high that I heard the engine roar!

He left me once again in tears......



I was back on my feet.

Jin hadn't spoken to me since and I no longer had a carer.

Only problem was, I have been getting fatter lately. 

I think I should just cut down on the fatty foods. 


I got out of my bed to do my usual routine, which was grabbing toast and going to work. 

Yes, I had work now. 

I worked as a waiter in a restaurant called 'Kimchi Village'

On my way to work, my stomach had been hurting extremely bad and I almost couldn't cope. 

I was debating whether to skip work and see the Doctor, so instead, I turned around and drove to the doctors. 

When I got there, I explained everything to the receptionist and then she immediately took me in.  

I waited for the Doctor to come and check me over and when I told her that I had missed my period for a few months:

"Have you ever thought that you could be pregnant?"

I laughed at an instant and almost cried with laughter.

"I cannot have kids. I am infertile." I laughed some more. 

She gave me a more, concerning and serious expression, then tilted her head down to look at paperwork. 

"Sorry to hear that Miss Fowler. However, in cases like this, you must be checked at the Hospital. I'll book you in?" She asked.

I laughed a bit more before taking the serious issue into my mind. I nodded and exited the room. 

I could not go alone, but who could I tell about this?

I dialled Jin's number, still having it saved on my phone and it took him a while to answer.

JIN: Hello?

KIBA: Jin, I gotta ask you something.

JIN: What?

KIBA: Actually, can you come up?

JIN: No.

KIBA: It's important.

JIN: No. I'm not going!

KIBA: Jin!

JIN: No!

KIBA: Why not?

JIN: We are nothing!

KIBA: Huh?

JIN: Just leave me alone!

KIBA: But I need to tell you something...

JIN: I don't care.

KIBA: Why won't you listen?

JIN: What? What do you have to say?

KIBA: I need you to go somewhere with me.

JIN: No way!

KIBA: You don't even know where it is yet.

JIN: You can go by yourself!

KIBA: I really can't!

JIN: Where is it you want me to go?

KIBA: I need you to go to the hospital with me.

JIN: Why me?

KIBA: Please?

JIN: Fine. But that is it! I am trying to get over you.

KIBA: Thanks!

Jin hing up the phone. He didn't seem at all worried or a bit curios about why I needed to go to the hospital. 

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