I knelt right beside him. Freddie didn't even look up at me. I mentally slapped myself for hurting him. "Maybe that's why I don't play hockey. Period," I muttered under my breath and handed the stick back to Dougie who was standing nearby. He reluctantly took it back.

"Man," Freddie groaned and rolled over on his back, covering his eyes with one arm. "That was the weakest shot I have ever taken in my life. But without a helmet on and everything, damn that hurt. Plus, tennis balls fucking hurt!" He sat up and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Having second thoughts on trying to teach her how to play, eh brother?" Dougie snickered. Freddie responded by flipping him off and then standing back up on his feet again with no problem.

"I need to go lay down." Freddie exclaimed and left to go back inside the house. Finally when he was out of earshot, I started to burst out in giggles. When I looked up at Dougie, he gave me a weird look and I just smirked back at him.

"I wonder about the two of you," he sighed and started to tap his hockey stick against the cold concrete flooring in the garage. "And ever since you came out to St. Catherines a month ago, I never thought that you and Freddie would ever be together. Or let alone in a different universe, with me. You seem just so..."


"Yes, reserved. Reserved from guys in general. Sage, you seem more to be friends with them rather than date any of them. Especially my brother."

"You make it sound like a bad thing, Douglas," I chirped and stood back up on my feet to look at Dougie. He shrugged and walked over to one corner of the garage and rested his hockey stick up against a wall gently like his life depended on that hockey stick. Just thinking about that made me giggle a little bit more.

"I wasn't trying to at all. I like to see that Freddie has feelings for you and cares about you. Don't you like that a guy out in the world cares about you and will do anything to keep you happy and safe with him?"

Growing up, I did not care about that (I still had those times where I weep about how no guys likes me and I start to question myself on why I'm not a good person), but I knew sooner or later in my future, a guy was bound to cross paths with me in my life. I never expected it to be Freddie. It could've been Dougie, who knows?

I shrugged and didn't even reply back to him. A random thought passed through my mind and I had to spit it out of my mouth. "Would have you ever liked me in that way?" I bit down hard on my tongue when the words slipped.

"Probably. Maybe if we met at a different point in time," Dougie said. Wait, did he just admit feelings for me or am I just thinking it in that way? "But now, no. I really never thought of you meaning something to me at all. Not girlfriend, but a close friend." A small smirk grew on his face and this caused me to raise an eyebrow. "Or future sister in law."

"Dougie!" I whined and he ran off inside, giggling like a little boy at his comment. It shocked to hear with my very own ears to hear him say something like that. I wasn't expecting anything. The chills ran through my back at the thought of marrying Freddie, I don't know why but it just did. Man, I hope no one is already thinking that much ahead. I never even thought about that at all! Yet...

I stood there in the garage, still a little bit shocked. Who knows how long I was standing there for before realizing I've been standing there and staring off into space. I cleared my mind of thoughts and started to make my way back inside the house. Walking through the doorway, I felt the cool air hit me instantly and I sighed in relief. It wasn't nowhere near hot outside unlike the heat I have experienced. But coming inside to a cool house makes everything feel better during the summer.

The Wrong Life To Encounter With ||D. Hamilton||Where stories live. Discover now