Chapter One: A Crew for Captain Oros /Part Three

Comenzar desde el principio

A middle aged man, thickening in the girth, came out from behind a closed door. He saw Fendwall and gave a shout of surprise. he hurried over and clapped Fendwall on the back.

"Wolf, m'lad," he exclaimed happily, "it's been too long."

"Aye, that it has, Frederick," Fendwall said.

"What brings you here at this time of day?"

"Ah, you know me, can't find a good meat pie any where in this city," Fendwall said, "except here."

"I have just the thing for you, lad. Got two pies baking right now. Sit down in the corner and I'll fetch them for you."

"Thanks, Frederick," Fendwall said. He led Estella to a place a couple tables away from the two young men. They sat down and Estella leaned over, confusion written across her pale face.

"Meat pies? I thought we were here for crew members," she whispered.

"We are," Fendwall said evenly. "Did you see those two boys in the corner when we came in?"


"They're good crew members," Fendwall said stretching his legs under the table. Estella narrowed her eyes in disbelief.

"How do you know that?" she asked. Fendwall raised an eyebrow and leaned back.

"Meat pies."

Frederick returned with a brimming cup of dark ale and set it down in front of Estella with a wink.

"Curtesy of my boy in the back," he said. Estella glared at Frederick.

"I don't want it," she said. Fendwall coughed. Estella whipped her head toward him. Her glare made his skin crawl.

"I'd take it, lass. Fred's boy doesn't take kindly to being slighted." There were undercurrents of warning in Fendwall's voice. Estella grabbed the drink and took a gulp. The door to the kitchen closed softly. Estella's eyes flicked to the closed door. She wiped her mouth off with her sleeve and set the tankard down.

"Happy?" she growled. Fendwall nodded once and turned his attention to Frederick.

"How long 'til those pies are ready?" he asked.

"Give me a few minutes," Frederick said. He patted the tabletop twice and ambled over to the two boys, calling out cheerful comments to the older men by the fire. Fendwall turned his back so he could only see the boys out of the corner of his eye. Estella swirled her drink absentmindedly. She refused to look up.

Frederick could be heard speaking quietly. A low voice answered him with few words while a slightly higher, more boyish voice spoke several quick sentences. Frederick gave a small laugh and walked away. Several minutes passed with no sign that the two boys would move from their spot. Frederick brought out the pies and a tankard for Fendwall and left. As he turned he brushed his nose deftly. Fendwall hid a grin beneath a quick bite of piping hot pie. Estella took a cautious bite then immediately tucked in and ate rapidly.

Fendwall felt a presence at his side and slowly turned.

"How may I help you?" he asked evenly and without emotion. A boy of no more than twenty years of age with dark brown hair and brilliant blue eyes looked down at him. His face was high and noble and unweathered by time and experience. His companion, a shorter man with hair the color of pitch and curious brown eyes, looked to be only a few years older. Both were travel worn and dusty.

"Are you the one they call Wolf?" the blue-eyed man asked.

"Aye," Fendwall said easily, "who's askin'?"

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