"Oh, don't worry, stinker-winker-bear, John's already heard it."

"I swear to all that is holy, John Winston Lennon, if you call me that on the altar, you will not get sex for a year. Am I understood?" Paul ranted without turning around, eyes dangerous on Jax.

The latter balked. "This is too much for my old ears, besides," he moved from his son's gaze to the door where John stood, smirking. "You are not allowed in here."

"Just a little peek, sir! I can behave, sir, I promise, sir! I've had lessons, sir." John replied, dropping to his knees, hands grabbing at Jax's coat.

Paul laughed, still turned away. "Just because you've had lessons doesn't mean you passed the class, love. Now get up off the floor before you ruin your tux."

"I've always made fun of you for being a teacher, but I realized just now that your teacher-voice is quite the turn on," flirted John.

Jax threw a disgusted face. "Father is still in the room and can still kick your ass. Get out of here before I shove my –." His threat was cut off by a disgruntled and slightly worried Brian in the doorway.

"There you are, John! Come on, I don't think I've ever met a grown man who acts more like a child than Jax. Hello, Paul."

Paul waved, still facing away, but debating turning around.

"Keeps you on your toes. Can't have you going lazy on me." Jax winked suggestively.

"Please, stop! My ears didn't need to hear that. John, humor them and go back to the other room," Paul requested, exasperated. "And behave."



"Fine. Fine. I'll go. But not before this!" John made his way past both parents to wrap his arms around Paul's waist, whispering in his ear. "Don't worry, my eyes are closed. I knew you'd be nervous, but my warden wouldn't let me come visit you. Those bad-luck scenarios you've running in that head of yours won't come true. I won't let them. And by the way, your arse looks good in that white tux." With a brush of his lips right behind Paul's ear, John let himself be led away.

A sigh escaped Paul's lips. He knew exactly what Jax tried to do and he felt grateful for it. The edginess and ridiculous nervousness all but flushed away, especially after John's words.


Paul was laughing and he lost it seeing the look of worry come across his father's face. No, he wasn't losing his mind. It was rather that he saw the absurdity of everything. His childhood, his relationship with John. He'd climbed his way back up from somewhere he'd never thought he'd break out of. As far as he's concerned, today...today he's untouchable. Immortal. Paul had made it this far without crashing and so maybe, just maybe, fate wasn't against him.

Maybe it's been with him the entire time.


They'd decided on an outdoor venue, getting permission to hold the wedding in a secluded area with stone ruins littering the ground like stones in a pond. John had come across the place randomly searching rural landscapes on the Google, booked it, and then decided to let Paul know. He remembered how angry Paul had gotten and was expecting to be put outside for the night, but ended up getting some of the best sex of his life. The place really did match everything they both wanted and Paul realized that upon seeing the pictures of the place and the friendliness of the staff.

They'd picked white tuxes to offset the stark green landscape and to rid themselves of the black and white traditions. John'd really tried to get a neon colored suit for them both, but was thwarted by Paul's raised eyebrow and an expertly executed slap to the back of the head.

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