Chapter 16 - The Road Less Traveled

Start from the beginning

"In China," Leo answered shortly.

"Wow, that's really, really far away right?" he asked.

"Somewhat. We arrive there tomorrow morning."

"That's so long! But you and Mia will be together?" he asked.

Leo stilled, then ran his hand across the back of his neck. "Yeah," he said quietly.

Nico is really on a roll today, he thought bitterly. He needed to stop asking so many bloody questions.

They got to the line, and Omar and Melissa from class were in front of them.

"Hey, guys," Mia greeted them.

They both turned around with shocked expressions on their faces.

"When did this happen?" Omar asked, signaling between Mia and Leo.

"Oh, no. We just bumped into each other outside," Mia responded.

"When did you have children?" Melissa asked confused, looking between Sofia and Nico.

"They're Leo's siblings," Mia answered laughing.

"You look so motherly right now," Melissa responded. "I swear she could be your daughter," she added.

Mia looked at Sofia settled comfortably in her arms and smiled.

Sofia giggled. "Mia is Leo's girlfriend!" she said laughing.

"Oh, is that right?" Omar asked with a grin on his face.

Everyone turned to look at Leo, who had been incredibly quiet the whole time.

"You guys are up," he said signaling to a check-in counter that had just opened.

"Smooth, Leo," Omar answered before heading out with Melissa.

Leo looked over at Mia, who had a scornful look on her face.

"Later," he said with a low voice and silently pleading with his eyes.

Mia sighed and shook her head. Another counter opened up, and she took off immediately with Sofia.

"Good one, bro," Max said laughing behind him and clapping his shoulder. He walked towards Mia with her suitcase, and Nico quickly followed suit.

Leo cursed and decided it was best to stay behind. How was he going to explain this one?

He closely watched Mia with his brothers from afar. She was engaged in an easy conversation with Max, smiling from time to time. While waiting for her ticket from the agent, she began braiding Sofia's tangled up hair and laughing at Nico's ramblings.

An array of emotions coursed through Leo. Melissa was right. Somehow, she did look motherly.

But it was so much more than that. She looked beautiful, absolutely beautiful.

She was a saint. Any other person wouldn't have put up being with his family, but there she was, surrounded by them in warmth and comfort. It was breathtaking.

"Yo! Are you deaf or something? You're next," someone behind him said.

Sighing, he went to check in by himself. He didn't hear one word the agent told him. He just went through the motions, thinking about Mia the entire time. As if he didn't think about her enough.

By the time he caught up with Mia and his family, he was a wreck. They walked towards the security gate, but no one seemed to even notice him. It was like he was suddenly invisible.

Mia started to say her goodbyes to Sofia and Nico. They hugged and kissed her as if they would never see her again. Maybe it was the case. Most likely, they would never see her again. Even Max was getting all sappy with her. It was gut wrenching.

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