Hannah jumped up and down excited about the treat. Payton smiled at her, "That sounds wonderful." She took the baby into her arms and walked over to Doris. We can sit in the dining room. I'll send Hannah out to fetch Tommy."

Doris knew that there was trouble between "her" two kids. So she suggested, "Maybe Joshua would like to come in and sit with us a spell."

"Oh no. He's much to busy." Payton said to quickly and then added, "But i'm sure he would enjoy a slice or two. I'll put some back for him to have with his lunch."

Doris sighed and smiled at her, "Okay. If you say so."

"I do." Payton said and the conversation was over.

During their tea Doris told her about church services and all the happenings in their little community. They would have two weddings come the end of summer and a new baby the middle of fall. A new pastor had been assigned to them and he was making the rounds. He hadn't yet visited their home and Payton wasn' tin the least bit worried about it either. Doris was.

"He should have done been out here." she told her. "I'm not so sure about him. He's awful young to and doesn't have a wife...." she clicked her tongue, "I just don't know. I just don't know....."

Payton hid a smile behind her cup. Grace let out a cry and when Payton went to reach for her Doris asked to hold her.

"I think she's trying to smile." Payton told Doris.

 "Well, its about time. I wonder who is gonna win the first one?" she said looking up from the fat baby.

Payton looked over at her daughter who was gulping down milk and cake, "I hope Hannah does." she told Doris, "She tries so hard and she spends so much time tending to her. I hope she gets it." Hannah gasp, "ME!?!?"

Payton laughed, "Yes, YOU!"

Doris nodded, "I hope so to, Hannah. What a bond you two sisters will have."

Hannah's chest swelled up with pride.

Joshua didn't come in for lunch and Payton didn't mind it at all. She sent Tommy to the fields with something for Joshua. Doris had long since returned to her cabin and Payton was just laying the baby down for a nap when she heard a wagon out front.

She quickly made her way down the stairs and to the door. It was Mrs. Gertrude Banks. Payton ground her teeth. She wasn't in the mood for visitors. Especially ones like Gertrude Banks. The woman was pushy and rude and lacked tact. She said whatever came to her mind and it usually wasn't pleasant . She also loved to gossip and she did gossip about everyone and everything. Payton went to the door and opened it. She stepped out on the porch.

"Mrs. Banks!" she exclaimed, "What brings you way out here?"

Gertrude was a heavy set woman. She also was somewhat wealthy and so her clothes were always very extravagant and cumbersome. Today she wore a plum coloured dress with layers and layers of fabric. No doubt the latest in fashion as if anyone around these parts would know. Her hat was a flimsy little thing. It did little to nothing to shield the sun. It was white with a wide brim on the front and no brim on the sides or back. It was so thin that the sun just came right through. It had a large ribbon the same color as her dress around it and a big bow to one side. Purple, blue, green and red feathers stuck up high behind the big plum bow. Her hands were clothed in lace gloves.

Payton's eyes shifted to the fancy buggy behind the woman and the single black horse pulling it. They were both very beautiful and no doubt very expensive.

"Oh dear, It's so hot out here." she said waving her hand in her face. "lets go inside." she said pulling Payton into the house.

Payton tried to protest. "But it's much warmer inside than it is outside.

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Where stories live. Discover now