Chapter 6

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The next week found Joshua and Payton staring at one another and smiling for no reason when they were alone. They each would blush thinking of their nights and laugh remembering how clumsy they were that first night. Joshua no longer took his time with the bedtime chores. He rushed through to hurry back to his wife. She was always waiting for him on the foot of the bed, with a sheepish smile on her face.

Payton was amazed at how much closer they were in the week that followed their first night loving one another. They neither one realized how much they had held back before. Now they would talk into the morning hours and then laugh at how exhausted they would be come bed time. Yet each night they did it all over again.

They chose not to go to church on the next Sunday as a heavy rain had set in and they didn't think it would be wise to take the children out in it. So instead they sang hymns and Joshua read to them from the bible. They each prayed including the two older children. When they were finished Payton set the table for a hearty warm meal.

Tommy and Hannah played with Jed, Joshua's dog, on the rug in front of the wood stove. They were in her way but she knew the cold was seeping in from outside. So, she didn't mind having to dance around them.

"Joshua, would you put more wood in the stove? It seems to be getting colder. I don't want the children to catch a cold..."

Joshua looked up from a month old paper he had already read a number of times. "Sure, love." he said and went to get more wood from the breeze way. Cold air rushed inside the house.

She sighed thinking of  how it nice it would be to be able to put the children to bed without trekking across that breezeway. But she was thankful for their home. Joshua had worked so hard to get it ready for her and the children when they had married. She was so grateful to him and would never complain. It was much roomier and better built than the two room cabin she and Thomas had shared.

When Joshua came back in he was carrying three logs of wood for the fire. "It's going to be a cold night." he told her. "I think the temperature is dropping fast. I'm going to go over and get a fire started on the side of the house. I want to make sure it's warm for those kids. And you." he added.

"Can it wait till after dinner. it's ready except for making its way to the table." she told him as she started putting plates and bowls on the table. She had fixed a big pan of deer and cornbread dumplings and was serving mustard greens and potatoes on the side.

"I'm sure it can." he said setting the logs by the door. "My nose and stomach say so anyways." he laughed and winked at his wife. As she smiled and turned her back to him to get the rest of their meal, he couldn't believe how happy he was. He never dreamed after he lost Eliza that he would ever find happiness. And his thoughts of Eliza were less and less. Not that he had forgotten her but she wasn't on his mind all day, every day anymore. He still thought of her often but he could tell it was less. He fought back the feeling of betrayal toward her. She would want him to be happy and move on. He knew that and promised never to feel guilty for loving Payton. She needed him as much as he needed her.

Joshua put both children up to the table and then sat down himself. Payton joined them and bowed her head as Joshua said their meal time prayer. "Heavenly Father, we thank you  for the food on our table and the health in our home. We are thankful for the roof above our heads as the rain falls outside. Please continue to bless us with that, that we stand in need of. Thank you for this meal, bless it and sanctify it. In Your Son's name we pray, Amen."

"Amen." Payton echoed. She was filling the children's plate when Jed stood up and started barking. She and Joshua looked at one another and he went to the window and pulled back the curtain.

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang