Part Twenty Two

Mulai dari awal

I pulled my phone out of my pocket while Jolan was busily attempting to use the stupid claw machine to get chocolates.
Zander had sent me a message.
ZANDER: 3:48PM: Doctor's are happy 👍 they said I seem to have put on 7 kilos since being home 👍.
Seven kilos?
That meant he still had around fifteen to go, but seven kilos in just a couple of weeks, amidst his struggles emotionally and physically, was amazing.
I couldn't help but smile at my screen.
ME: 3:49PM: That's amazing news babe 😍 well done 💙😘.
"Bailey look!"
I locked my phone and quickly slipped it back into my pocket.
Jolan pulled a handful of the chocolates out of the collection slot.
Oh my god!
I didn't think you could even win on this stupid thing!
"Wow! Awesome job buddy!"
I praised.
He turned to me, a wide, toothy grin on his face, holding his prize out to me.
"Want me to hold onto them?"
I asked.
He nodded vigorously.
"I wanna try the toy one!"
Sadly I knew the chances of winning in that one were pretty much nil.
But I didn't have the heart to rain on Jolan's parade, so I took the chocolates he'd won and he took off to one of the toy claw machines.
I followed along behind him after grabbing both our backpack's, ensuring to keep the kid in my sights.
Thank god there's only one of him...
I think he's got even more energy than Kaylen and Luka combined!
The thought of Kaylen and Luka reminded me that I had to text Debbie and make sure we were still on for Wednesday afternoon.
While Jolan entered his tickets, I set our backpack's down on the floor and wriggled my phone out from my pocket again, finding Debbie's contact.

"We can share!"
Jolan declared, dropping his won candies onto the table between us.
This kid was certainly a wizard with these gadgets.
He'd won a small arm load of chocolate and lollies, along with winning himself a mini water pistol that was Ben 10, plus a soft Tinkerbell doll which he said his sister Raven could have and a small brown bear which he said his brother Hudson could have.
My heart melted to see his kindness.
I was seeing nothing of the kid that Casey declared was getting in trouble at school and home.
"You won those, Jol."
I smiled at him.
"They're all yours bud."
"You can eat them with me."
He insisted.
"Mum would blow a gasket if she knew I ate them all anyway!"
He laughed.
Blow a gasket?
How does a nine year old even know that kind of a saying?!
He does have a tonne of older brother's.
I reminded myself.
"Which ones are your least favourite?"
I asked, eyeing the treats on the yellow surf club table.
"I'll share them out for us!"
Jolan declared and he propped himself up onto his knees on his stool so that he could reach better.
There was no way I was going to accept more than a few of the kid's treats.
That would just be mean.
"Do you miss me Bailey?"
My kid brother asked as he set to work, sliding one chocolate or lolly at a time into two distinctly growing piles.
Do I miss him?
What even made him think to ask that?
Jolan kept his eyes on his task, even though the brim from his DC cap was partially shadowing his face while he worked.
"Of course I miss you Jol."
I promised.
He lifted his head and gave me a toothy smile.
My heart fluttered.
"But what made you ask that?"
I questioned, propping my elbows on the tabletop.
"Because I haven't seen you in ages."
He explained, dropping his focus back to his task.
This kid is really smart.
Really clued on.
Maybe that's what was getting him in trouble.
I'd have to ask Casey what it is that she's told him, so that I don't put my foot in it and make her life harder with him.
"I miss you."
Jolan all but whispered.
"Well if we behave ourselves I think your Mum will let us keep hanging out together."
I told him.
He lifted his head, finally wearing a grin again.
I agreed.
"Don't bug her about it though, kay?"
I cautioned.
"Because Mum's don't like that."
Jolan whispered and dropped his gaze.
My heart squeezed for him and his saddened expression.
"I'll talk with your Mum."
I told him.
His expression lit again, his smile growing.
"You will?"
"Of course."
I agreed.
Jolan grinned.
But before my eyes, his smile dimmed.
"What's up Jol?"
I asked, frowning slightly.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
Jolan whispered, his eyes focused on the tabletop.
Uh oh!
My heart clenched.
But I have to support the kid.
But what if he tells me something that I can't possibly keep?
I whispered, my heard pounding in my chest in apprehension.
"Kids at school are teasing Kaylen coz he's not very good at his school work."
Jolan explained, his hands back to organising the treats into two piles.
My heart stuttered.
Kaylen's being picked on at school?
He doesn't look like it!
Debbie hasn't said anything!
"Then he should tell his Mum."
I whispered.
That's the road kids take isn't it?
Go home and tell their parents about their problems?
"That's why I get in trouble at school."
Jolan explained, using both hands to slide chocolate's over to the seperate piles.
So he is getting in trouble at school.
"Umm... explain..."
I suggested.
"Well he's my little brother, so I have to help him."
Jolan explained.
My heart squeezed.
"Umm how exactly are you helping him?"
I questioned.
Jolan shrugged.
"Fighting the kids who be mean to him."
"Jolan you shouldn't be fighting."
I denied.
Jolan lifted his head to meet my gaze.
"Hunter beat up kids who were once mean to me for being a brainiac."
He was teased for being a brainiac?
"When were you teased?"
I asked, shocked.
Jolan looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Umm... last year?"
Oh my god!
"Hunter got in trouble for it with the school and his Mum got really mad."
Jolan explained.
For good reason.
Kids shouldn't fight!
"But our Dad said boys will be boys."
Jolan explained, putting a tilt on the words from our Dad.
"And what's your problem now?"
I asked, leaning forward on the table.
Jolan's Hazel eyes looked troubled and he wet his lips using his tongue.
"Our Dad is gone."
He explained.
My heart clenched.
Maybe the kids do feel his absence.
"So who's gonna say it's okay?"
Oh god.
He wants somebody to condone fighting!
I asked.
Finally he looked back into my eyes.
"I'm going to stop Kaylen being picked on."
I told the kid.
He looked surprised.
"You can do that?"
My heart clenched.
I wasn't quite sure how I was going to, but I had to try.
I hated the idea of Kaylen being picked on.
And it was no good if Jolan was fighting because of it.
One way or another, I had to do something.
"I will fix it."
I told him.
Jolan grinned.
"You're the best!"
My heart clenched.
I just hoped he wasn't putting false hope into my abilities.
"I see red when Kaylen cries coz of the kids."
Jolan explained.
My heart squeezed.
Poor Kaylen.
"Luka even punched a kid for making Kaylen cry."
Jolan told me.
Oh my god!
Does Debbie know about any of this?
"Here's your half!"
Jolan declared and pushed one of the piles towards me.
Staring at the lolly piles, I could see that he'd legitimately divided them into two.
I shook my head.
"Jolan I can't have all of them."
"Why not?"
My god what a gorgeous kid!
"Because they're your's."
I explained.
He shrugged.
"You brought me here."
My heart melted.
Kids are so black and white.
I'd done him a favour, therefore he wanted to do me one.
"I'm happy with just a couple of chocolates."
I told him with a smile.
"You can keep the rest for another day so your Mum won't be mad for you eating them all at once."
Jolan shook his head.
"I want you to have them. It's why I got so many."

Zailey (Sequel) ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang