Chapter 30

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***Simone's POV ***

"Are you guys ok?" Ramon's mother asked for the hundredth time. We were sitting on Ramon's bed with his laptop between us watching a movie and eating chips.
"We're fine Mom." Ramon answered and she finally left us alone.

We watched in silence until the movie was almost finished. I dipped my hand into the chips bowl the same time as Ramon did and our fingers collided. Ramon held my hand in the chips bowl, rubbing it gently.

Oh my gosh!

I didn't know how to react. My heart was pounding so loudly I'm sure Ramon could hear it.
His eyes trailed from our entwined hands up to my eyes. The moonlight shining through the window outlined his perfect face and he actually looked nervous. He shakily moved the laptop from between us and pulled me closer to him.

My breathing was heavy.....almost as heavy as his. Our faces inched closer together and our lips connected. My whole body ignited as we kissed, our tongues dancing in slow motion.

"I want you." Ramon said breathlessly as he started to kiss me harder.

I moaned as his hands moved across my breasts and he took my blouse off. He stopped abruptly and stared into my eyes as if asking for my permission and I nodded.

"Wow! That was awesome!" Ramon said an hour and a half later. He kissed me softly. "You were amazing, Simone." He whispered and I smiled.

Although my body was aching, I was actually happy. I never imagined that my first time would be with Ramon Watson. After all he was known as the school's man whore.

"So which number am I?" I asked as we laid in bed cuddling.

Why do I have to ruin this perfect moment.

"What?" Ramon asked looking clueless.

"What number am I? Number 20......40?" I taunted and he still looked lost. "I'm talking about the number of girls you slept with. What number am I?" I blurted and he turned his face away from me.

"I would rather not tell you." He said, almost inaudible.

"Oh my goodness!! It's that bad?"
I cringed at the thought. How many girls could he have slept with! More than 50?

"Give me a number!" I demanded.

"Simone you don't want to know, trust me."

"I want to know-"

"You're the second person." He said and my mouth stayed open.

"What?" I asked. "But you're a whore."

"Wow. Thanks." He said. "But I'm not. Those are just rumors."

I was curious. "So who was the other girl?" I questioned.

"Simone! Please don't do this. I don't want you to hate me." He groaned.

"I won't hate you. Just tell me. Is it someone I know?"

He nodded. "Yes my first time was know what, it doesn't matter. My best time was with you." He leaned over and gave me a soft kiss.

"Anything else you want to know?" He asked.

"Yes. Where is your dad?" Why do I always have to be so inquisitive?

Ramon took his hand from around me and sat up. "My dad is not a topic I like to discuss." He said but I had to know.

I sat beside him and rubbed his back. "Tell me." I persisted.

He inhaled and exhaled. "Are you sure you won't tell anyone?" his brows furrowed as he waited for me to answer.

"I promise I won't." I said and I meant it.

"Ok. Here goes." His expression was one I couldn't decipher. "My dad was always working late and sometimes he would be gone for days so he hired a live-in gardener to help out while he was away. Since the gardener was always home and my dad wasn't, he and my mom became friends." He paused.

"And what happened?" I asked impatiently.

"My mom had an affair with the gardener." He said sadly. "I was dating Davia at the moment so I didn't even noticed. My mom tried to stop but the gardener had already made a sex tape and threatened to show it to my dad if she didn't pay him. So she did. He still wanted to have sex with her against her will so on the night of their anniversary, my dad wanted to surprise her. He picked me and Davia up from school to help him bring all the gifts he had bought. We walked in on my mom and the gardener having sex in the living room." Tears were in his eyes as he spoke.

"That must have been traumatic." I said.

"It was." He answered. "When my dad tried to catch the gardener, Davia helped him escape then she lied to the police saying that she heard my mom forcing the gardener to have sex with her and threatened to fire him if he didn't obey."

"Why would Davia do that?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I have no idea. I broke up with her after that. But my dad...." Tears started rolling down his face. "My dad couldn't take it. He had an heart attack and he died a few weeks after."

I hugged him tight and he started crying harder. "I started seeing Davia with the gardener after that, even recently."

"Really? Do I know this gardener?" I asked.

"Yeah. He was using a different name then but its Trey.....or Veron as your mom called him."

"What?! How? W-what?" I couldn't believe this. "Wait. How did you know that my mom called him Veron?"

"Well. When I found out that he was your body guard, I told my mom and she, in turn went and warned your mom not to have sex with him but it was too late. He was already blackmailing her." He exhaled.

"So you knew and you didn't tell me?!" I have no idea why I was getting angry at Ramon when he actually did something good. Trey is the one I should be angry at and I decided to give him a visit in the hospital first thing tomorrow morning.

Ramon started crying again. "I knew you would want to break up with me. Who wants a boyfriend that cries so easily."

"Especially when you look so awful when you're crying." I said and his lips pulled up into a smile.
"So you think I'm cute otherwise then, right?" He said with a smirk.

I whacked him on him arm. "You're quite full of yourself for someone who is a crybaby." I retorted.

"Simone. Guess what?" he was smiling from ear to ear.

I rolled my eyes. "What?"

"You're the best girlfriend I've ever had."

"Enough with the mushy stuff." I giggled. "And you didn't tell me who you had your first time with. I still want to know."

His smile faded. "It was Davia." He said finally.

He was right. Now I wished he hadn't told me.

"So I'm dating Davia's leftovers." I signed.

"At least I'm a sexy leftover." he said and I saw that he regretted it instantly.

I couldn't help but laugh. He always knew the right thing to say....although he embarrasses himself a lot. I fell asleep remembering how romantic Ramon was tonight.

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