Chapter 13

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***Simone's POV***

As the chorus played for the last time, I looked into the crowd and saw Davia pouting with her hands folded across her chest. She's hating this.....which makes me so happy.

The crowd cheered as the song ended and we stopped to catch our breaths. Once again the dance floor was filled with dancers. Davia walked over to us with her hands still folded.
"What do you think you're doing Channer? Ramon is mine!" she glared at me.
"Then why did he ask me to the ball?" I asked, glaring right back at her. Something about tonight had me thinking I can conquer anything......and anyone.

"James!! James, where are you?" Davia shouted.
"Uh- Its Josh....I'm right here." Josh came over to where we were.

"Let's show these fools how to dance!" She grabbed Josh's arm.
"Uh-ok." Josh said, trying his best not to make eye contact with me.

Just then a slow song came on.
"Let's show these fools how to dance." Ramon said, trying to imitate Davia.
I laughed at his unsuccessful attempt.
I couldn't believe it. I was actually having fun with Ramon. He wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling closer to him. I put my head on his chest as we slow danced.
"Are you OK babe?" he asked.
I looked over at Josh and Davia. They seemed to be enjoying themselves as well.

Ramon really surprised me tonight. I  had no idea he had it in him to be so nice. I always see him as a selfish, rich jock who cares less about anyone's feelings.
We swayed to the music, Ramon pulling me closer until there was hardly any space between us.
He looked into my eyes. "Simone, you are a really stunning girl. "
I smiled. "Uhm...thanks. You're quite muscular yourself."

"Oh so you like my body." Ramon smirked. "It can be yours if you want it to be."

I think something is wrong with my hearing. Did Ramon just ask me to be his girlfriend?

I laughed uneasily.
"You don't have to answer right away. But you can at least say hi to me when you see me at school or you can sit at our lunch table sometimes." He was looking right into my eyes. And he sounded sincere.
"Maybe I will." I smiled back at him.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Its that time of the night....." the principal interrupted our little moment. "Its time to give out the awards!" Everyone cheered, except me of course.

"Best dressed male is......"

Drum roll!!!!!!

"Mr. Shamar Williams!!!"

There was a loud uproar from the crowd and screams and cheers were heard from almost every female. Shamar went up to collect his award. He blew kisses into the crowd which had the ladies screaming their heads off.
"Wow....he's like so hot..." Ashalee who stood beside me said.
There's no denying that Shamar had great fashion sense but other than that he's just another football player. I don't know why the dumb females that attend our school are crazy about him.

"Best dressed female goes to....."

Drum roll!!!!!!

"The one and only....Davia Prince of course!!"

She strutted onto to platform, her lacy dress had every girl envying her....except me of course.
"That's my girl!!" I heard Josh's voice and I gave him an evil look. I sigh and heaved his shoulders up and down innocently.

"Best couple goes to......."

Drum roll!!!!!

"Simone and Ramon!!!!"


Ramon went up to collect the award after I refused to move. I'm almost positively sure I didn't hear right.

What would happen if Trey just popped up and heard all that??? I shook the thought from my head. Trey is not a violent person but still I wouldn't want his to feel embarrassed or jealous......

"The King of this year's ball is...."

Drum roll! Drum roll! Drum roll!

"Mr. Ramon Watson!!"

Everyone expected that but they cheered anyway. Ramon is always the king and Davia the queen. Jock and head cheerleader. Such a high school cliche.

"And this year's queen is....."

Drum roll!

Davia stepped out confidently and the crowd gave her way as she made her way to the stage.
What a show off.

"Miss. Simone Channer!!!!!"

Davia stopped dead in her tracks and I stood shocked with bulging eyes and a racing heart. This announcer needs to go see an eye doctor because he obviously didn't read the name correctly.
"Please make your way to the stage Ms. Channer...."

I nervously made my way to the stage.
The principal invited Davia to crown me since she was last year's winner.

She came towards me, hands trembling, and placed the crown on my head.
"You cheated." She whispered. "I don't know how you did it but you did it. There's no way you could have won. I'm going to make your life a living hell!!"

"Oh. That's old news." I replied, keeping a composed smile on my face, knowing it will make her mad. She stomped angrily off the stage.

"And now...the king and queen will have their first dance." The announcer paused."....or they can just give us a replay of what they did earlier."

Ramon stretched his hand to me.
"Can we dance my queen?" he said with an English accent.
I laughed and took his hand. "Ok my King."

They played a slow song and we waltz on the stage. I was enjoying my night. I didn't want it to end. Who knew I would be queen tonight? I could hardly believe it myself.
I looked into the crowd and saw Davia and Josh slow dancing. I smiled. Maybe I should just give him a break. He deserves to be happy.

When the ball was over, Ramon and I walked hand in hand to his car.
"I really enjoyed my night with you Simone."

"Weirdly I did too." I replied.

"Maybe we should do this again some other time." He offered.


He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek that lasted a little longer than it should. He opened the passenger door of his car and I went in. He's such a gentleman. As we were pulling out of the parking I saw Josh. I smiled and waved to him. He looked surprised but he waved back. Beside Josh, someone stood with an angry face.... Trey!!??


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