Chapter 17

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***Simone's POV***

My mom rushed over to me. "Honey are you alright?" She asked.

"Huh...Y-yeah. I'm f-fine. I just remembered that I have a test today and I forgot to study. " I stuttered as I stared at the guy standing in front of me.

"Ill go get the car started." My bodyguard said and exited the room.

My mom chuckled. "You'll be fine honey. Now go to school. I'll clean up this mess. Veron will be driving you in your dad's car. Enjoy your day." She said, as she left to get a mop.

I heard my dad's car starting and walked anxiously outside.

"What the hell? What are you doing?" I asked once I got into the car.

"What do you mean?" Trey asked. "Your dad needed someone to protect you and I'm the best man for the job."

"Does he know that I'm your girlfriend?" I felt nervous and anxious at the same time.

"Chill Simone." Trey smiled. "I'm your bodyguard and he doesn't suspect anything so I guess I'll be guarding that hot body of yours from now on."

I relaxed a bit. Trey will be following me around every day.....even to the bathroom as my dad said. This is great! I smiled as we entered the school compound.

"How come you forgot to study for your test?" Trey asked.

"What?" I asked clueless as to what he was talking about.

"The test you told your mom you forgot to study for."

"Oh." I giggled. "I just needed to give her an excuse as to why I dropped the cup." I told him.

Trey nodded in response.

"So are you going to come to classes with me?" I asked.

"Nope. You have your phone so you can call me if you need me and I'll be there. Ill come back later to pick you up." He leaned in and gave me a kiss that lasted a little too long.

"Ill see you later babe." I said as I got out of the car.

Once Trey drove away, I saw Timoya, a girl from my biology class staring at me then whispered something to her friend. Girls......always finding things to gossip about so I decided to ignore them.

I walked lazily into Math class. I knew I wouldn't be able to concentrate today. All I could think about was how I didn't have to sneak around with Trey anymore. He will be with me at all times, what could possibly go wrong.

Lunch time took forever to come and once it did I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could be with Trey.

Josh came and sat with me at our lunch table and started blabbering instantly.

"So when am I going to meet grandpa Veron.." he asked, taking a bite of his chicken sandwich.

"Well he will be picking me up after school so maybe I'll introduce you to him." I answered teasingly.

"Does he have teeth?" Josh smirked and I slapped him.

"Be nice or I won't let you play with grandpa Veron's cane." I said and we burst into laughter.

Little did Josh know that Veron was my hot boyfriend. We made fun of 'grandpa Veron' until the bell rang signaling the end of lunch time.

"Sim can I get a ride home with you and grandpa?" Josh asked as we headed to history class.

"Sure." I answered, smiling. I can't wait to see the shock on Josh's face when I introduced them.

The air in history class was full of tension. Davia sat beside me and Ramon sat beside Josh. I glanced over at Josh and he had an uncomfortable look on his face. Ramon must be annoying him for some reason.
Davia, however, was quiet and giving her undivided attention to the history teacher. Her eyes were glued on the teacher and she hadn't said a word to me. Something must be wrong.

"Uhm...Davia. Are you ok?" I asked timidly.

She turned slightly in her seat so that she could face me. The glare she was giving me made me want to sink through the classroom floor. "Why are you disturbing me. Can't you see I'm trying to pay attention?" She barked at me.

I held up both my hands. "Sorry." I snorted.

She gave me and evil smirk. "Oh. You're  not sorry yet, Channer." She said then turned her attention back to the teacher.

What am I getting myself into? Why cant I let sleeping dogs lie? Davia must be planning something bad in her evil little brain. I couldn't help myself from wondering what she was planning and how she was going to torture me.

Maybe Josh's personality is rubbing off on Davia because there's no way she pays attention in a class as boring as history.

".....Class this will be a group assignment. I will be choosing the group members and I need you guys to work together. The listing will be posted on the school's notice board tomorrow." The history teacher said.

I slapped my book shut as the class ended. One more class to go before I could be with Trey.

Chemistry class was a bore as the teacher was absent and left work for us. As I worked through the different formula there was one that stuck out in my mind. Me plus Trey equals pure pleasure.

"Where is Grandpa Veron?" Josh asked impatiently as we stood in the school's parking lot waiting for Trey to arrive.

"Here he is." I stated as I saw my dad's call pulling into the lot. Josh waited for grandpa Veron to descend from the vehicle.

The door opened and Trey stepped out. He was wearing a tight, blue shirt that showed off his abs and his well toned body. I glanced over at Josh and the look of disbelief on his face was priceless.

"Simone, who's your friend?" Trey asked and smiled politely.

"This is my best friend Josh." I said, gesturing to Josh who seemed to be still in shock. "And Josh this is Tr- Veron. " I caught up before I could reveal Trey's identity. "Is it cool if he rides with us?"

Trey looked a little disappointed. "Sure." He answered after a while.

We clambered into the car and up until now Josh hasn't said a word. He sat in the back while I sat beside Trey.

Trey glanced in the mirror at Josh. "So you're the famous best friend huh?"

"Yeah I guess so.." Josh answered, not bothering to look up at Trey. A few minutes later we stopped at Josh's house and he got off. "See you tomorrow Sim." He said before walking up to his front door leaving Trey and I alone in the car.

A/N    Hey readers!!!!!! Thank you so much for supporting my story so far. Please don't forget to vote and leave your comments. :-)
PS: I hope I'm not confusing anyone. Trey and Veron is the same person.

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