Chapter 2: Cheated

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Clarke POV:

This summer has been going pretty great so far. I landed my internship at Shans Hospital down in Jacksonville, Florida. One day this summer while I was interning, I ran into a pretty handsome patient.

***Flashback Begin***

"Clarke! Get in here!" One of the doctors shouted. "On my way!" I holler as I rush down the hallway.

I get into the patients room, and see a handsome man seizing out in his bed. "What's happening!?" I say as I try to calm him down. "It must be some sort of poison." Dr. Sing says as she goes to get some sort of medication. "We should try to purge his system." I say trying to be helpful, but I get shut down immediately. "His blood is septic, we need a transfusion! Stat!" So I rush off and get some A- blood to pump into his system.

A few hours later he wakes up while I'm in the room. "I'm Finn" he says. "Clarke" I respond. "So, are you the doctor who saved my life" he asks. "No, your looking for Dr. Sing" I reply. "No, no, it was definitely you" he says, his voice so charismatic, and smooth. I begin to respond but he pulls me into a kiss. "So, should we meet somewhere outside of here sometime" he asks. "I'd love to"

***Flashback End***

Ever since then, Finn and I have been dating.

One day, I was walking down the road to get back to my hotel, and I go into a Starbucks for a nice Frappe. As I'm waiting for my drink, I look around the room . On the other side of the restaurant, I see Finn talking to a very tan brunette. I walk over to him and tap on his shoulder. "Clarke" he says in a very shaky voice "I, I can explain""Save it" I respond. I walk up to the counter, grab my drink, and storm out of the building. Finn follows me out and says "Clarke, wait""I don't want to hear it""I was going to break up with her today""So, you were dating me on the side all summer, and was waiting until just now to break up with her" The brunette walks out just as I finish my sentence. "You were going to break up with me!""No, Raven, that's not what I meant" Her and I lock eyes, and almost like we telepathically decided, slap him right across his face in unison. We both storm off.

Later that week, I ran into Raven again. We talked, and it turns out, she's a pretty cool chick, and she's also going to Ark U, majoring in engineering. We talked it over, and we decided that we would just rent out an apartment near the campus together. I can't wait for school to start back up!

AN: Like I said before, please comment if you want me to continue on this project.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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