Chapter 1: The Coffee Shoppe

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AN: Hey guys! This is my very first fan fiction ever, so please show your support in the comment section if you want me to continue with this.

Miller POV:

    I can't wait for schools to start back up. Only a few more weeks!Now, before you start saying Ugh! Nerd! It's not like I love school. It's just that my summer has been, like, the worst ever. Over the past 9 weeks, I have gone through 4 different jobs. I was a waiter, bartender, lifeguard, and cashier. But I got fired from all four within two weeks. Summer has just sucked.

   Now, I need to get a new job for the last few weeks to help Bellamy and Octavia pay for the apartment. Oh yeah! Bellamy and Octavia! Those two are absolutely the best people I've ever met. Bellamy, my best friend in the entire world, helped get me back up on my feet when my parents kicked out of the house. He was the only one I could turn to. Right now he's working as a waiter at Mt. Weather Pizzeria, but he deserves a much better job, and to be making more money. 

  Octavia is one of the sweetest, most energetic people that you'll ever meet. Especially counting the fact that she was practically raised by Bellamy. Last year, she graduated from Polis High School, and got accepted into Arcadia University, now she can come to school with me and Bellamy!

   While I was walking home from my friend John Murphy's house, I walk by this coffee shoppe called The Dropship. It's a really hipster location where Octavia Bellamy and I go, like, every morning to grab our coffee. I see a sign in the window, that upon closer inspection, I realize it's a job wanted  sign. That's great news, I come here every morning anyways, so I wander inside and ask about the sign. I see the manager, Monroe and ask her "Hey, I saw the job opening sign, could I apply anytime soon?"" Yeah, we can interview you tomorrow around 3 pm" she says. "Great" I reply. And then I walk out and finish walking home.

   "Hey guys, I'm home" I shout as I wall into our apartment. I see Bellamy sitting on the couch, watching T.V., and he just responds with a simple nod of a head. "Where's Octavia" I ask. Bellamy responds with "she's at orientation. After all, school starts up in two weeks". "Hey, I won't be around much tomorrow afternoon" I tell him "I got a job interview at The Dropship". "That's great!" he says "you'll have to tell Octavia when she gets home from-""Tell me what" Octavia says as she walks in the door behind me. "Miller got a job at The Dropship tomorrow" Bellamy blurts out. "That's great!" she squeals. Then after that we just hang out watching T.V. until we all fall asleep on the couch.

   I wake up next morning in a rush. I've got my job interview at The Dropship today! I wake up to see Bellamy hovering above me with a glass of cold water in his hand. I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and assume he was gonna splash that all over my face if I had woken up 5 seconds later. "Good your up, It's already noon" he says. So I jump off the couch and head off to my room to get some clothes on.

   Later, after the interview, Monroe says "You did great, we'll  get the information out to you by tomorrow".  

   The next morning, I wake up and see my phone screen light up-

Monroe- Hey Miller, you got the job! You start today at noon!

Me- Really! Thanks! I'll be there.

  I get there right at noon, and put on my training apron. And, as I'm being trained, I look over and see someone sitting with some friends, and I get this really weird feeling in my stomach. 

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