The Sky Was Fallin'

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When I woke up, it was dark outside, and I forgot that I was at my mother’s house at first. I sat up on the couch, groggily, and peered into the kitchen. I could hear my mom’s voice and Angela’s. I got up and went into the kitchen. I needed to see Angela and just tell her everything, just talk like we used to before our lives got serious.

As soon as Angela saw me she stood up and hugged me.

“Oh…baby I’m so sorry. Your mom told me about you and Steven. I had no idea things were that bad between you guys.” She sounded genuinely concerned as she always had been for me.

I returned her hug, smiled, and assured her that it wasn’t her fault.

My mom stood up and started busying herself with some mundane cleaning. I invited Angela to come up to my bedroom. Doing that felt strange, as I hadn’t spent much time in that room for so long.

I plopped down on my bed and Angela did the same. Despite having just given birth, she looked as gorgeous as ever.

“So, babe, I want you to tell me everything, okay?” She smiled.

I leaned back and began to throw everything at her at once. I told her about how Steven had been getting really frustrated with Joey. I told her that Steven would stay out all night partying and I never spent time with him anymore. I explained that when we did see each other, we were usually fighting. I even told her about how Steven had recently taken to hitting me when we fought. Of course he never seriously hurt me, and I usually hit him back, but the emotional pain of it was far worse than the physical.

By the end of my spiel I was in tears. I felt like a helpless little girl with nowhere to run. I told Angela how I’d made a complete fool of myself by ignoring my mother’s advice and now everything she had warned me about was happening.

And I concluded with the most heart wrenching phrase: “He’s bored with me, Angela”

She surrounded me in a warm hug and just held me while I cried. She didn’t tell me not to cry because “that won’t fix anything”. She just gave me support and that was what I needed more than anything.

“All I want is for everything to go back to how it was when Steven and I first started going out. I mean, everything was perfect.” I sobbed.

Angela frowned. I knew that this was tearing her apart inside too, because she felt like this was partly her fault since she had cheered me on in the beginning, urging me to confess my feelings to Steven. But in no way did I hate her for that. She had done what any friend would do.

“I know you do babe…I do too. Tell ya what; I really doubt that he’s bored with you Gin. He does love you. He’s just in a weak state right now. I’m sure that everything is going to blow over with you guys. You two are definitely meant to be together girl. I think you should just do exactly what you’re doing now: take a break. Have some space for a while, but don’t give up on him Ginny. He loves you and I know that for a fact.”

I have to say, she did cheer me up. She gave me hope, no matter how much I doubted it.

“Alright…but I just want to stay here for a while. Steven needs to get his act together, and then I’ll think about talking to him again. Oh, that was another thing, I wanted us both to stop doing drugs ya know, except maybe weed but I wanted us to stop the hard drugs. He wouldn’t listen to that, of course.”

Angie giggled a little. “Yeah, telling that to Steven is like telling him not to breathe anymore.”

She was right. Steven had always seemed to be into something, whether it was smoking corn-silk cigarettes when he was a little kid, to drinking, snorting, which led to everything else. By now it was only natural for him to be addicted to something.

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