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It happened so fast. Immediately after Jake parked the car, the kids jolted out of their seats and bolted out running towards the park leaving both Jake and I behind. I looked at Jake mouth wide open in shock. He just laughed at my reaction and chose to ignore it , locking his car. He took a hold of my hand and started dragging me to God knows where because it was not towards the kids,who had completely ignored us and playing with the swings.

I tried lurching my hand out of his strong grip . What the hell ? "Let go of me will you? I can walk myself. " I said my annoyance seeping out of my voice.
Mr. Master didn't seem to hear instead he continued dragging me up a hill that was a bit bushy at the bottom but barely covered in grass at the top.
I tried wiggling my arm out but his grip was strong. "Let go ! " I hissed . He was on my last nerve! It  was embarassing.

This time he looked back smirking , Oh how I wish I could wipe it off  with my fist!
Too scared to ruin his perfectly sculpted face and that cute nose...
A snarky voice spoke in my head.
No! I simply didnt want to end up with a painful arm..
"How sure am I that if I let you go you won't  go running around crazy." He cut my argument, still smirking.  Then it hit me...

"Are you trying to murder me and hide my corpse in the bushes away from view because Seth seems to love my cooking more than yours?" I asked now my body preparing for combat. What .. I had had boxing training from my accursed father when I was young .

"Why don't you save your wild imagination for an actual murderer. Besides it's too open to commit any crime." He said looking at me, his blue eyes sparkling in amusement.

"Aha! So you are planning to kill me . I'm warning you! I'm not gonna hold back . It's not gonna be easy!" I was about give him a solid kick on his muscular back when he said "we're here. "

We had passed the bushes and were on top of the hill. I was too paranoid to take notice but once he said that , I halted on the spot and my eyes wondered around the beautiful scenery.The hill was situated in a strategic position, you could see the whole park including the two boys I had worried about earlier. We faced the setting sun as the cool breeze whipping through my long  unkept curly brown hair . I took a deep breathe taking it all in the green trees , the sound of chirping birds and delightful screams that came from the hyper kids from below. I felt peaceful... like everything was in its place.

"Do you like it?" He finally broke the silence much to my annoyance but I let it slide anyway. I felt too happy and contented at that moment. I refused to get annoyed. He was looking at me intently his blue eyes swirling mysteriously and captivating.
My mouth stretched widely , revealing how happy I was not caring who was infront of me. The guy I desperately curious to know but feared knowing at the same time . Ugh .. who cares!...
"It's  beautiful!" I said my eyes moving slowly from the sky to get captured by another only much more beautiful...
What the hell? Get yourself together. You have no room for girly fantasies.

I ignored the annoying voice in my head still mesmerized by his eyes and the guy all together . I still had alot of questions I wanted to ask but I held back. It felt nice... comforting even , looking into his eyes. I felt safe despite the struggle earlier.

"I usually come here to think things out and just relax you know ?" He said almost in a whisper not to disrupt the peaceful silence. He looked away into the horizon when my cheeks heated up. I had just noticed that we were still holding hands. His warm firm hand that felt so... right...
What are you ? A hopeless damsel? Get a grip!
The words were like a slap of realization. I quickly tried to cover up with a cherry voice removing my hand from his with much regret. The cold just hit me so suddenly that  my hand was halfway back into his before I mentally slapped it away . I can manage on my own thank you very much .
"It certainly is Master I hope you don't mind sharing this place from now on. I find it quite peaceful and beautiful to spare some time up here to think." I gave him the sweetest smile I could master mockingly and curtsyed as decently as I could in my black jeans. I was his maid after all... plus I really wanted to push his buttons .

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