Two weeks had passed since I met Jake and started work at the M&M and I still had not gotten used it. My days were full of surprises that had envaded my once peaceful uneventful days due to his existence!

It was enough that I worked for him but he would often pop in the library to say 'Hi' which was more like dangling me at the edge of sanity and drool at my muffins. He would even throw one of those annoying smirks at me in the hallway. To make it even worse, I usually caught his eye when I was in the most awkward position . Ugh!

One thing was certain though, his silly smirks got me unwanted attention from his fan group . I would be walking innocently in the hallway and baam! Out of no where I trip . I mean I wasn't a clumsy person so it was definitely someone's doing . To make matters worse for me, Mr. Oblivious of the situation comes to my rescue . He helps me pick up the books I dropped, hand them to me, call me clumsy , chuckle and walk away . You could guess how I reacted to it ....
That idiot had no idea what mess he was placing me in !

Any who I had no time to dwell into such petty girl drama or whatever it was thus I let it slide . Maybe if I if ignored their silly actions they would leave me alone besides it's not like I wanted his attention anyway.

Well the fuss died down, much to my pleasure, after they 'realised' that their so called "Prince Charming" was only being nice to the lonely, colourless and awkward nerd who isolated herself from the world. Those were the exact words of some girl whispering not so quietly to her partner as I passed by them .

Wow took them long enough. I thought to myself sarcastically. Oh well, in the end I was thankful that the problem had solved by itself.

However, the weekend rolled in and another problem surfaced. It felt like tiny broken glass pieces are sharpley pierced into my heart or having survived a storm only to be swept away by a ferocious hurricane.

That Saturday morning had began on a good note . The autumn rains had begun and after the night's downpour, the morning was beautiful. This could only be understood by morning lovers . The breeze was cool and the winds swooshed in gently through the open windows swaying the white curtains in a ripple. The dew on the little garden patch at the back of the house brought in the scent of moist soil and leaves. I basked in the serenity while drinking coffee and completing my assignments .

I had the day off as Mr. Smith knew of my monthly visits at Holly's Special Home to visit mother. We had her transferred there on doctors orders since she could not stay with us due to her condition. Once I turned eighteen that year, a heap of responsibilities befell me as I had to take care of both my sister and sick mother. Lucky for me Jake gave me weekends off so I did not have to inform him about it .

Having prepared breakfast, I hummed cherrily to wake Riley up. Being only two in the house, we decided to share the master bedroom. Mother would rarely come under authorised visits so she did not have much say in the matter . Not that she cared anyway.

I walked into the room only to see Riley cuddled up in the white sheets, legs spread out to opposite ends snoozing . So instead of turning the scene into a stereotypic disney movie where I start singing a wake up song , I flopped on the bed causing it to bounce several times as impact of my weight. With that, I managed to get a frown a turn to the other side . Talk about a heavy sleeper. We were clearly completely opposite.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head . We got a big day ahead of us . Mom is waiting for you. " I tried but she didn't budge. " Fine then ... I made scrambled eggs .... " I said this in a sing-song voice knowing all too well that it would wake her up.

Her eyes shot up immediately after scrambled eggs. " Are you really telling the truth or just messing with me ?" She finally spoke her voice grouchy and annoyed. That was basically morning Riley.

"Suit yourself I'll go devour breakfast all by myself . Yummy! Scrambled eggs , toast and hot chocolate together with the perfectly cool weather . What more could I ask for ?" I said this as I slowly walked to the door making sure to emphasize on every word clasping my hands together enticingly. With that, Riley shot out of bed and rushed to the kitchen leaving the mess for me to clean up. I mused at how many times I did that to her and not once had it failed.

"Well! You got me here . Now come and let's eat. I didn't eat well last night. " Riley's voice called out from the kitchen. What a liar ! She had twice as many servings as I did and got hungry two hours later. With her appetite, our food ration was enough to feed an entire football team!

Those mornings were the highlights of our weeks. We got time to goof around and dare each other to do something as we cleaned the house and write a list of things we needed.

That Saturday however was about to change our lives completely. Unaware of the future, I dressed in casual blue denim jeans and a floral top I got as a gift from Riley . Placing my hair into a loose bun , I picked up my essentials for the day and headed out with Riley .

We stopped by a florist to pick up some daisies for mother and by ten o'clock we were in the train heading out of town to Holly's Special home where my life takes another turn for the worst.

Hello !🐣 I decided that we needed to take a break on Kake ( Kate and Jake's ship name . What'd ya think ?😉) and focus on Kate's life more ...
Don't forget to vote and comment on suggestions . I take them all ...
Stay happy . Love ya ♥️

Cherry ..

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