Little Dancin' Demon

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This is before Alice was created.

"I AM NOT WEARING THAT THING!!!!" Bendy screamed as he pointed to a white skirt. Henry sighed and rubbed his temples.
"Bendy please, the audience wanted a female character and until we come up with one, you're going to wear this."
"NEVER!!!!!!" Bendy ran as fast as his little legs could bring him.

Until he tripped on a small stool and fell face first.
"Ow," Bendy picked himself off the ground and patted himself off. It was at this time when Joey and Boris entered the room looking at the small cartoon in confusion. Bendy looked at them with suspicion.
"Are you two here to put me in that hideous thing Henry is trying to make me wear?!" Bendy accused as he pointed his (gloved) finger at them. Joey TRIED to ask what the little demon was talking about.
"What exactly is Henry-"
"Can you please explain to us what is-"
"I SHALL NEVER WEAR A SKIRT! MY PRIDE IS TOO GREAT FOR FEMININE CLOTHES!" Bendy ran off yelling about his clothing choices that the animators should make for him. Then, Henry ran into the room panting and holding a plain white skirt.
"Did you two see where Bendy ran off by any chance?" Henry managed to say and he was catching his breath. Boris looked a bit sorry and pointed to the direction where the cartoon went.
"You just missed him. I'm sorry for what your going through right now. I hope you are able to do what you need to do." Boris said as he comfortingly patted Henry on the back. Henry smiled and thanked him for the words of encouragement, and chased after Bendy. Joey and Boris look at each other, shrugged and smiled.
"Now what were you saying earlier Boris?"
"Oh, right! I wanted to learn how to play more songs for my oboe (just roll with it). I was thinking Mozart!"

Time skip

Bendy looked behind the closet door as he took a breath to calm himself. Closing the door, it was dark inside the closet. When his eyes got used to the darkness of the small room, he noticed it was a costume closet. On the hooks were multiple suits and dresses. Some overalls, skirts, and costumes in general. When Bendy looked behind him, he noticed that there was a picture of Henry, Joey, Sammy, and one other person that he didn't know on the door. His creators looked like they were much younger and looked rather ridiculous. They weren't children but they looked like they were in they're late twenties. Henry was dressed up like a dog or a werewolf, he had the ears and tail with fake paws. Joey looked like a pirate, that failed at finding any sort of treasure. Sammy was dressed... as a devil. Bendy felt sweat roll down his neck when he looked at how giddy Sammy was. Then finally was the last person, and they looked like a woman. She was wearing an angel costume with a halo and wings. He picked the picture that was taped on the back of the door. On its back it had the date, October 31 in two years prior (I don't know when it takes place). It had the names of his bosses and that mysterious woman.

"Happy Halloween! (Y/N), we will never forget your bright smile and ideas. We will try not to get into trouble without our guardian angel. Good luck in the big city! We'll keep in touch!" -Henry

(Y/N)? I feel like I have heard her name before.


In front of Bendy is a red faced Henry and in his clutched hand is the skirt that started the entire chase.
"Bendy," he had a a vein popping out of his forehead. "I am sick and tired of this. You will wear this skirt, or so help me-"
"Bendy I'm not fighting you on this, you are-" Henry paused during his rant and looked confused. "I'm sorry?" Henry was dumbfounded by this.
"But I have three conditions." Bendy pointed out before Henry could stuff him in the skirt. "First, you have to wear a bright pink skirt too." Henry flushed and agreed. "Second, the female character has to be an angel. Finally," Bendy made a waving motion to say come closer. Henry leaned in and Bendy whispered the third condition. Henry was surprised by the last one. He looked down and saw the Halloween picture that was actually a copy.

"Alright Bendy, I will follow these conditions."
"Great!" Bendy grabbed the skirt from Henry's hands. "I'll go get dressed!" Bendy ran off to the dressing rooms of the building leaving Henry by the costume closet.
"Time to call up an old friend."

Ring Ring, Ring Ring

"Hey boss, we've got a call on the line for ya!" A man says to his employer through an intercom.
"Who is it from?"
"Some animation company called Joey Drew Studios. But I don't think-"
"Put them through my line Hal."
"But ma'am-"
"Just do it!" A ring entered the empty office following a red light on a phone case. "Hello, this is (Y/N) (L/N). How can I help you?"
"......(Y/N). It's Henry. Can you come down to the studio at any time right now?"


Done! I did not think it would take this long to write this! I will make a second part to this, but I already have a request in! I hope you all enjoyed my first oneshot and there will be more coming out! But for now, that's all folks!

Next oneshot - Sammy Lawrence X Henry

P.S. - I'm sorry for finishing this off so early in the morning.

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