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Request by @Dreamer0923

Bts as your boyfriend


Jin: I'll be home late today

You: again?

Jin: yeaaa

You: why don't u take all ur clothes here and move to ur bitch

Jin: huh wht do you mean

You:  ohmygod jin I'm not stupid

Jin: wht are u talking about huh

You: huh😏

Jin: if u thinking that way

Jin: then lets break

You: ok

You: don u ever find me again


You: besides breaking things.. I don know that u also broke people's heart

Namjoon: wht are u saying

Namjoon: a joke?

Namjoon:  well it's not funny at all

You: who is saying it's a joke

You: it's a fact u know

Namjoon: ok

Namjoon: its over


Suga:  hey

You: what

Suga:  woww why ur soo serious

You: what do u wan

Suga: just wan to inform u that I'll be back tomorrow night

You: again?

You: wif ur bitch

Suga: whoaaaahhhh who r u talking about

You: get lost

Suga: yahhh u idiott

You: how dare u 😬

Suga: its over

Suga: sooo get lost😘


You: I can't stand all this things

Hoseok: wht things

You: I'm tired

You: can u just stop cheating

You: u don love me anymore

You: why don u break with me

You: and u can be with your girl

Hoseok: sooo now u know

Hoseok: if that what u wan

Hoseok: then we're over now


Jimin: hi

You:  bye

Jimin: ok bye

Jimin: means we break already right?

You:  haha

You: i know wht u want

You: good bye


You: yah u stupid


Kookie: wow

Kookie: I have something to tell u
You: owh really me too

Kookie:  let me say it first

Kookie: lets break

Kookie: I don think tat i love u anymore

You: owhh exactly wht i wan to tell u

You: well longlast with your INTERNATIONAL PLAYGIRL


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