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"You're going to wear it (YN) please don't make me be mean about this." Ghost shoved the slave collar at me again and at this point all I could do was stare. It was a bulky iron thing that looked like it would go from my chin to my collar bone. "Ghost I can't wear this! It's not normal for humans to walk around with something like this!" He shook his head and sighed.

"Is it only the appearance that's bothering you?" 

"Other than having to wear it to prevent my death, yes." 

"Fine then, little brat." Ghost tossed it in the air and clapped his hands making it disappear. When he opened up his palms I saw a beautiful black and red collar with a little tag that red 'kitten.' He cocked his head to the side. "I must admit this is much more flattering, now will you wear it, kitten?" He spoke the last word with a smirk and I couldn't help but reply with a copied version of his snide ways. "Only if you put it on for me..." Ghost chuckled and waved his hand saying. "Turn around for me then." I did as told, I'm sure to his delight, and felt the gentle lace and silk encase my neck. He adjusted it slightly and I could feel his fingers linger on my neck. Even when his digits left I could still feel his touch burning into my skin. He turned me around again and looked admiringly at me his eyes, at first, seemed soft but I could see a hunger buried in his pupils. As I could feel myself leaning toward him, wanting to do... I don't know what, when there was a sharp knock on my door. With that Ghost was gone as my dad came in. "Honey, your mother and I are-Oh where'd you get that?" He asked, gesturing to my neck.

"Oh uh, that's my- My new boyfriend gave it to me!" My dad raised his eyebrows and asked once more. "He's not like the last one is he?"

"Oh no, no he's... Very different..." 

"Well honey as long as you like him, you know since your mother and I are going out how about you give him a call and we can all have a nice dinner, I'd like to meet this one." 

"Well, I'll ask but he's busy with his work..." My dad simply nodded at me before leaving the room and shutting the door. The second the door clicked Ghost spoke up. 

"Oh darling, we're going to dinner. And that's an order..."

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