What Are You?

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I trembled as I was held in the tight grasp of the creature I'd let into my house, his hands were large and so very warm it was almost comforting. "Oh dear, you're shaking like a leaf. You simply must be freezing, I know how to warm up shivering little girls..." The thing's hand slipped down between my legs and rubbed generously through my sweat pants. I squeaked and out of honest reflex I kicked right where the sun don't shine. The touch stopped but the creature didn't howl in pain or fall back like I'd both wanted and expected him to. "Now that wasn't nice darling, you could've just told me to stop. I'm not some salacious human willing to take what isn't mine..." The creature fake pouted and began playing with stay locks of my hair. I slapped its hands away and snapped. "You're in my house without asking!" It clicked its tongue at me and said happily.

"Oh, no, no,no darling you invited me. I didn't have to even ask!" It scooped me up and twirled me around for a bit before plopping me down on the couch. "And thank you so much for letting me in, it's not very scenic where I'm from and there are definitely no girls that look like you either!" I was speechless, exactly how are you supposed to react to.... Whatever it is this was? The thing seemed to notice my silence as it knelt at my feet and rested it's chin on my lap. "Now why so quiet cute stuff? I haven't gone and scared you silent have I? I'd feel bad if I did..."

"I-I-I um, no it's just I'm a bit..."

"Confused? I would think so, humans don't see us that often anymore. Ooh but I was wandering in the right place at the right time, I could just barely hear ya' through the screaming but I did!"

"And what exactly-"

"Am I? Well that's simple, I'll give ya' three guess' though cause I think you're awful cute."

"We-well you're a gho-ghost aren't you? That's what the board is for, to talk to ghosts..."

"Ooh sorry, strike one but ghost is a real good pet name. I don't like my name very much so how bout you call me that huh? Okay two more guess' what am I gorgeous?" I shook my head and raised my hands up in defeat, I wasn't quite sure what I was talking to. It laughed and jumped up, now trapping my legs between his knees as he leaned down. "Not very good at games, well that's alright...." It slumped down further and hissed in my ear, causing the hair on my body to stand on end. "I'm a demon darling..."  As he pulled away he kissed my, white as a sheet, cheek. It chuckled at my rattled expression. It brushed the hair out of my eyes and made fishy lips at me. "No words? That's okay darling, I can wait. I'll be here for a long, long while..."

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