Well Where Am I Supposed To Sleep?

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"The floor jackass, preferably under the bed and out of sight. I'm not even going to try to explain you to my parents when they get home, which should be any moment now!" Ghost, as he so called himself crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Darling, though I think you're adorable when you're angry I'd suggest you lower your voice and change your tone. I do not sleep on the floor, not in hell and certainly not here." 

"You're not sleeping in my bed Ghost..."

"Oh but I am darling, I'm yours now. And as I tend to you, you must tend to me. I will in no way touch you, as I've said before I'm not some grabby human boy." Ghost sauntered off back to my room as I truly began to feel invaded. I suppose this is better than what I feared, projectile vomit and an owl neck... I shuddered at the thought and went after him. As I walked in I squeaked and covered my eyes as I saw an entirely nude Ghost. His deep chuckle sounded through the room as I heard him slip under the covers. "Uncover your eyes dear." I grimaced as I took the palms of my hands from my vision and saw him propped up on his elbow, smirking at me. "As you could guess darling I sleep in the nude, come now you must be exhausted..." He patted the other side of the bed making me quirk my eyebrow at him. "And I'm sure YOU could guess, I don't. Lay one hand on me and I'll cut your junk off..." I wasn't going to lie, very little of me wanted him clothed again. But I'll be damned if I'll admit it... I crawled onto my bed and just barely picked up the sheets to slide underneath. I faced away from him and laid on the edge of the mattress. "Oh darling, you forgot the light..." I sighed and as I was about to stand back up to fix it Ghost snapped his fingers and the lights went out. I jumped with a gasp making him coo. "Oh my, have I scared you sweet heart? Should I hold you close and make it better?"

"No, go to bed..." He sighed and whispered right by my ear.

"Good night my little doll, sleep tight..." And like I'd instructed he scooted away, still not having touched me. I'm starting to want the projectile vomiting... 

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