Chapter 9

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Fern ~

I find a bench at the far end of the rec center next to the cinema. I need a break and it looks like the next showing should be empty. I was asked to attend about seven frat parties tonight.

I start planning out how I'm going to decorate my side of the room when my thoughs are disrupted.

"Hey," A boy named Jesse coughs awkwardly sitting next to me.

"Hello," my voice hitches betraying me.

He's sitting next to me?

"You going to the next showing?" I ask staring at the side of his face.

"I've seen it before but it never gets old," He smiles.

"So you coming then?" I ask.

"Sure," He shrugs and I smile as we walk into the dark theater.

After we get our popcorn and slushies we still have a bit of time before the movie.

"We've got a break tomorrow?" I ask before placing some popcorn in my mouth.

He nods before swallowing," They either feel bad for us or are sick of us already."

I laugh and slurp a bit of my slushie.

"You know we don't get slushies back home. This is my third slushie ever," I sigh

"Well I wouldn't get too hyped up about the ones over here," He states and I nod in agreement as the movie starts.

I don't really pay attention to the movie and instead stare at Jesse. Taking in everything about him.

I can tell he sees me from the corner of his eye cause he smiles and covers his face with his hands.

I end up laughing and pushing his hands away from his face.

"Sorry," I whisper holding his hands a bit longer than I should.

I wait for him to question my actions but it never comes and I mentally thank him for that.

I try to focus on the movie and it's actually really good.

It's at this part where the main character's brother dies. I think it is stupid and unnecessary and I actually start crying. Jesse looks over at me and asks me if I'm ok. I nod and smile at him.

He looks worried but softens up when I wipe my tears and stuff a whole load of popcorn in my mouth.


"Fern," A voice whispers and I wake immediately.

"What?" I groan.

"Have you seen my backpack anywhere?" Mel asks hovering over me.

"It's 3 in the morning." I turn over in my bed so my back is facing her," and it's on the back of the door."

"Thanks," I hear her call as I daze off again.

I find that I can't go back to bed. Jesse keeps creeping up in my mind.

After the movie he insisted we go get ice cream but I told him I needed to plan out some stuff and that he should go agead without me. I'm stupid.

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