Chapter 8

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Fallon ~

Danie's boyfriend shows up and whisks her away down the corridor. The dorm is now empty, free for me to play my music as loud as I want or to read aloud my favorite passages from the piles of books surrounding me.

That's when another knock issues from the door and I sigh putting my laptop back on the desk carefully.

I step over the thick strip of red tape that Danie put down to separate my part of the dorm from hers.

I must have loafed a bit because a familiar voice echoed from the other-side of the door.

"Fallon? I know you're in there. I can hear the music." Aleks laughed.

"What're you doing here?" I said opening the door. "This is supposed to be a weekend, you know. Day off from school?"

"Well I was wondering if I could show you a movie I brought over-" Aleks began.

"Why?" I blurted. "I mean, don't you have other friends to bug." I realised it sounded rather mean but Aleks didn't seem to care.

"Well yeah. But they've all watched this movie, and you're the only other person with a laptop who's my friend." Aleks laughed.

"Oh god." I laughed. "What movie is it?"

"A really old one." He said coming in and flopping down on my bed.

Funny. How did he know which side was mine?

Then I noticed that Splatter was on my bed with my beats strewn over the pillow with my phone buzzing away merrily and I figured that he would have to have been pretty stupid not to guess correctly.

I slumped down next to him and he pulled the laptop on his lap and put the disk in the slot on the side.


It was really late when we finished watching and by this time I was half asleep. The movie had been pretty good and I asked if I could keep it awhile.

"Yeah sure." He said shrugging his shoulders. "I've watched it tons of times."

"Where the fuck is Danie?" I laughed getting up.

"Why?" He replied lazily.

"She's been gone awhile." I said.

Aleks stood up and knocked over a pile of books. I moaned but he picked them up and sorted them out.

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