chapter 2

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Tony pov
I was currently working on a cold case as no calls had come in yet.

An hour later
Gibbs phone rings and we all looked to his desk.

"Grab your gear, we got a hostage situation at a school" Gibbs said.

"On your six boss" i said grabbing my bag and getting up to follow him.

Ziva jumps up and grabs her bag too, as does Mcgee.

"what school?" She asked.

I saw Gibbs look towards her.

"Mainland Elementary" he said.

I froze shocked when i heard the name.

"Boss you sure that's the school?" I asked worried.

He walked up to me and looks at me.

"I'm positive that's the school DiNozzo, let's go!" He said.

I stood there, i couldn't move that was Mitch's school.

Why couldn't my feet move? i must of heard Gibbs wrong, so i decided to ask him again.

"Boss, you sure that's the name of the school?" I asked.

Gibbs was half way to the elevator and comes back to me, he slaps me on the head but only lightly.

He then looks at me with a confused look.

"For the third time DiNozzo, it's Mainland Elementary. Now let's go!" He sais alittle annoyed.

I nod and followed them into the elevator.

I didn't say anything on the ride.

I was worried about Mitch now, hoping they weren't in his room.

No one in his little classroom knows im an agent in NCIS.

My mind was racing and i didn't even notice the elevator stopped and opened.

Gibbs was holding it opened with his hand and clears his thoat, and snaps me out of it.

"DiNozzo really again?" Gibbs said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I look at him.
"Sorry boss" i said

I walk to the car and got in, hoping he didn't ask what was wrong.

I see Gibbs looks to Ziva and Mcgee and see them shrug looking confused .

They had no clue what was wrong with me.

Gibbs starts the car, looking at me but doesn't say a word, just took off.

We got to the school 15 minutes later.

We walked over to the police cars and Gibbs wanted to see what they knew.

It turns out So far there had been no demands.

We all see some of the kids and teachers out side worried about the others still inside.

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