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I've been having so much trouble promoting this story...
Can you all help somehow please ?
-Amanda x

"Deeks! Where the hell are my pads?" Kensi screamed from the toilet.

"I- what? How would I know?" Deeks asked running into the bathroom after hearing his name.

Kensi groaned, still sat on the toilet, "I ran out."

"Um, uh... do you.. need me to.. get you some?"

"Would you?"

"From the store?"

"Oh my God, no, Deeks. From Blockbuster."

Deeks smiles goofily and leans against the door frame, "You know, uh, you're cute when your angry. You're, like, really cute like that."

"Yeah?" Kensi smiles angelically, imitating her fiancée, "Well you're, like, really cute with a broken nose."

Deeks squints at her, "Do periods always make you this moody?"

Kensi grabs a toilet paper roll, and throws it at where he was standing before he ran away, "Just buy my pads!"

"I'm going straight to Blockbuster to get them!" He jokes as he runs out the house.


From the store, Deeks grabs his phone and starts texting Kensi.

Deeks: So [3:23pm]

Deeks: Uh [3:23pm]

Deeks: Pads, or tampons.. [3:23pm]

Deeks: Or do tampon-pads exist? [3:24pm]

Deeks: I dunno if you'd want those or [3:24pm]

Deeks: Wow, tampons are really expensive. You shouldn't pay for your period babe wow. [3:24pm]

Kensi: First, get me pads, tampons are weird. Second, tampon-pads are a non-existing thing. Third, I know right? [3:24pm]

Deeks: They're all so different [3:25pm]

Deeks: I'm amazed woah [3:25pm]

Deeks: What kind do you use? [3:25pm]

Deeks: Is it extra long? That looks uncomfortable [3:26pm]

Kensi: Just get the thin overnights. The brand U would be best. [3:26pm]

Deeks: By Kotex? (1 image attachment) [3:27pm]

Kensi: Yes [3:27]

Deeks: Okay [3:27]

"Good afternoon, sir. Find everything you were here to buy?" The cashier asked.

"Yes, good sir, I did." Deeks said, placing the pack of period pads on the conveyor belt.

The man knits his eyebrows together.

"What? Never had the balls to buy pads for your girlfriend? Or has your closed-mindness prevented you from having any relationships?" Deeks said defensively, paying the pads and saying, "Keep the change, you need it more than I."


Kensi hears her front door slam from the bathroom, "Deeks, is that you?"

"Yeah, Kens. Still in the bathroom?"


Deeks walks into the bathroom and shows her the pack of pads, "These it?"

"Exactly those. Thank you." Kensi smiled.

Deeks raises an eyebrow, "Mind if I join you in there?"

"Not at all."

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