Catching Up

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I kind of have an unhealthy obsession with what could be the Kensi/Talia friendship, so I just came up with this

I hope you like it!

And I'm watching the debt rn :)))

Oh and I'm just going to throw this out here and say that I love the diet doctor pepper commercial. #justsaying



"Really, Blye, a coffee shop?"

Kensi looks up from her phone to see a familiar DEA agent's smug face, "My house is a mess, deal with it."

"It's good to see you." Talia smiles, hugging her, "How're you?"

Kensi chuckles, "I'm good, great in fact. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm great," Talia sits down, "And what's this I hear about you and Scruffy?"

"You couldn't even wait to order a coffee before asking, could you?"

"Nah," She shrugs, "If there's something you should already know about me is that I am a very direct person."

"Yeah, no, I can see that." Kensi laughs, and takes a bite out of her scone.

"So.." Talia starts, "Drop it on me."

"Define it..." Kensi jokes.

"It meaning your ass, Kensi." Talia lifts her eyebrow.

Kensi shrugs, "I don't think I feel that way about you."

"Dude, seriously, how'd it happen?" Talia says, waving over the waitress.

"Okay, fine, fine.." Kensi sighs, and waits for the waitress to take Talia's order and leave.

"Wait, wait," Talia looks at Kensi, "Did he make the first move?"

"No, um, I did." Kensi chuckles, watching the waitress come over with Talia's coffee and sandwich.

"Smooth move," Talia says, bitting into her sandwich,  "Continue."

She laughs, "Well, we were invited to an ice rink, and we skated for a bit, and I told him what I felt, and-"

"You fucking made out, didn't you?" Talia interrupts excitedly.

"Slightly." Kensi downplays.

Talia lifts an eyebrow, "Slightly? You expect me to buy slightly?"

Kensi rolls her eyes playfully, "You know what?"

"I do indeed know what. You totally screwed him, didn't you? I was right about the whole pent up sexual frustration thing  was I not?" Talia mocks laughing.

"Don't you start that, we both left that conversation bloody, missy." Kensi jokes, "But, thank you for making me think."

Talia smiles, "Anytime."

"What about your love life? Any partners I should know about?" Kensi smiles, sipping her coffee.

"Yeah, no, there's nothing actually." Talia's face falls.

Kensi furrows her eyebrows, "You okay?"

"I'm good, I just haven't been quite as lucky as you and Deeks in the partners department." She chuckles dryly.

"What do you mean? If you want to share.." Kensi purses her lips, giving her a reassuring nod.

"I kind of got way too involved with someone, one of my ex partners, and it ended badly, so I work alone now." Talia explains, then sees the worry on Kensi's face, "But don't rely on that, you guys were meant for each other, and there is no doubt that it's not going to pay off.

Kensi smiles, and sighs, "Thanks, Talia."

"Don't do that, don't get all mushy." Talia jokes, adding another packet of sugar to her latte.

"I don't get mushy."

"Oh yeah? Bullshit."

"Shut up." Kensi laughs.

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